Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

“What is your name? How old are you? I’m six.” “I’m six, too. I go to school. What grade are you in? My Mama says I can’t go too far in the water.” “Did you know I am a mermaid?” I stood at the edge of the ocean....

“Mimi, what projects do we have today?” This is one of the first questions four years old Rowan asks when he walks into our home. Rowan and I enjoy working on things together. From filling a bowl with ingredients to make cupcakes to planting marigold...

Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. Flowers and vegetables can bring smiles and joy to every moment. I find happiness in filling a container with dirt, adding fertilizer to the soil, adjusting a plant in the pot, and providing enough moisture to quench the...

On a cool summer morning, I chose my outfit for the day. Cream colored jeans, white pullover shirt, and a lime green button up shirt to complete my look. Heart necklace around neck, step counter fastened on my wrist, socks and shoes on. I was...

Spring has sprung here in the Lowcountry. A few weeks back, the days were filled with warmer temperatures and the budding of blossoms. The heat rose like a fire pit waiting for hot dogs and marshmallows. Residents wondered if summer had arrived earlier than usual. Days...

When you first read the title of this message, you might think I’m referring to finding a mouse or some other little creature eating cracker crumbs. No, not this time. This past weekend, Alan decided to vacuum the floor in the living room. He’s a sweetheart!...

A small pair of binoculars sits in my desk drawer.The dark green color on the binoculars has faded over the years to a greenish brown tone. I take them out of the drawer from time to time and look for wildlife. Eagles, hawks, egrets, herons...

I’m laughing out loud this morning. Yes, the new year has begun and God is already giving me ways to laugh at myself and find joy. I appreciate the ways God shows me how to find joy every day. One of my Christmas presents was a...