Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

This past summer brought excessive heat, dry grass, wilted plants that needed constant watering, and an air conditioner that wouldn’t turn off. Alan and I have learned that the Lowcountry doesn’t have long spring or winter seasons. Most years, there is a short period of...

Each month, a group of writers gathers in person and online to participate in the ACFW(American Christian Fiction Writers) Lowcountry Chapter meeting. Our group has grown since the first gathering a few years ago. Folks write fiction, non-fiction, stories for children, articles, devotions, and poetry....

I received an email from our son Mike. “Hey, Mom. Here’s a sign-up sheet if you are interested in helping with the school library.” My answer was “Yes, I’ll fill out the form right now.” As a former substitute teacher and library aide, I was...

The Lowcountry of South Carolina is journeying through Tropical Storm Debby. Predictions of high rainfall amounts, possible strong winds, and intense flooding have held the top news reports. Road closures, changes to operating hours for businesses, school closings, and other important information have been broadcast...

A Visit with Nature “Where are you going? Do the plants need water again?” I hear these questions several times a day when I gather my garden gloves and empty milk jug to head outside. My answer is usually the same. “I’m stepping outside to visit...

Warm temperatures in the morning placed droplets of dew on the grass. A beautiful day was waiting for folks in the Lowcountry. Grandkids would arrive soon and the fun would begin. Today’s project would include a trip to the local greenhouse to purchase dirt and...

Conversations between young children may include “Will you be my friend?” or “You are my friend.” or “I’m glad you are my friend.” What do you think about friendships? Do you feel warm and cozy when thinking about certain people? In what ways have you...

A recent walk to the mailbox brought adventure, learning, and talking about science. Rowan and Eden were visiting. I asked if they would like to mail a card to a friend. Our neighborhood has a cluster mailbox area and we often walk, chat, and visit...

Lowcountry weather has tricked me again. Every morning, I check my phone app to get the latest updates on temperatures, winds, and barometric pressure. January brought cool nights and warmer days. February continues with Spring-like weather. A bit of rain here and there. Clouds on...

Warmer temperatures allow children and adults to venture outside and enjoy a bit of fun and recreation. Weather in the Lowcountry of South Carolina can change from moment to moment. Sunshine and warmth may be replaced by clouds and cool air in an instant. The...