Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

The state of Virginia experiences all four seasons. Cool Spring, hot Summer, chilly Autumn and cold Winter. Seasons are different in South Carolina. Alan and I are learning how different the temperatures can range in the Palmetto state. November 7th arrived and we noticed people wearing...

One of the great things about living near the ocean is being able to take long, leisurely walks on the beach. The sights are amazing! Seashells of all sizes, shapes and colors delight the eyes. Horseshoe crabs on the sand, dolphins jumping in and out...

Exploring paved walking paths in our new neighborhood is fun. We enjoy the exercise and viewing new areas. Recently a friend shared if we walked a certain route, we would complete over a mile of walking. Great! Each day, Alan and I try to walk...

God answers prayers and this time He has answered our prayers fast. Alan and I prayed for wisdom, discernment and revelation about moving to South Carolina.  We asked God if we were making the right decision about moving. We prayed for a job for Alan,...

Baby Rowan is growing quickly. He is healthy and beautiful. Alan and I are blessed by watching Mike and Christine show love to their child. They are naturals at parenting. Many wonderful "first time" events occur with a baby. The first coo, the first cry, the...

I am thankful for smoke alarms. After changing batteries and STILL being annoyed by constant beep, Alan and I decided to research the cause. We learned there is a difference between beeping and chirping when it comes to smoke alarms! Interesting to learn that 3 chirps meant...

Monday,  July 24, 2017 is a very special day. Our first grand child was born. He arrived 3 weeks early and he is perfect in every way. Both of my sisters have grandchildren and shared how Alan and I would experience feelings of love beyond words...

Myrtle!! Myrtle!!! Are you there? Hello! Hello! We have a new guest at our home. A box turtle has taken up residence right outside our back door. She enjoys creating a hole in the dark mulch. Each morning, she disappears for a while and by the...

Last week, Alan and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in South Carolina. Visiting with son and daughter-in-love always makes us happy.  A baby shower for the first grand baby due in August, an evening of winning a trivia game at a local eatery, sharing meals,...

A beautiful day in Virginia. Sunshine, a slight breeze and comfortable temperatures. Our hummingbird feeder is ready for those cute little hummingbirds. The waiting game begins...