Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

"Honey, I found the missing sock…"

How in the world do I lose socks? There are only two of us in this house and the house is not large. Yet, every now and then, I lose a sock or two. Somehow, somewhere in the midst of sorting clothes and washing and drying them, a lone sock disappears.
One of Alan’s gray socks has been missing for 3 days. I have searched high and low, in the laundry basket, beside the washer, under the bed… anywhere the gray sock might be hiding.
This evening, as I sat in my desk chair upstairs while looking at emails, etc., Alan shouted from downstairs, “Honey, I found the missing sock!”.
“Really? Wonderful. Where was it? Where did you find that sock?”
He replied confidently with a voice sounding like he had found a missing treasure. “When I straightened the blanket on the bed, the sock fell on the floor.” He was so proud of himself for finding the missing item.
All was great until I realized the sock he found was the one that is not missing. The sock he found was the other one waiting for it’s mate. I had placed the sock on the bed in hopes of finding the missing one today.
Oh, well… the search continues for the missing gray sock. I guess we’ll find it one day. Probably when we least expect, the sock will fall out of a sweater sleeve or pants leg or who knows, might be found in a completely unique place.
Good thing Alan has other pairs of socks. πŸ™‚
Have you ever lost a sock or two?
Have a blessed weekend and be sure to giggle,

  • Ashley Harris
    Posted at 15:55h, 03 March Reply

    Single socks come out of our dryer all the times and I’m always perplexed because I know a complete pair went in! And you know we have a lot of socks in our house with 5 people!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:46h, 03 March Reply

      That is so funny! There are a lot of socks at your house. πŸ™‚ Wonder what happens to the missing socks? haha! Have a great weekend! Stay warm and safe in all the wind.

  • lelandandbecky
    Posted at 16:09h, 03 March Reply

    I’m giggling, Mimi! We think there is a monster in the washer or dryer that likes to eat socks! I guess we look at the single sock as a new rag! LOL!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:43h, 03 March Reply

      A monster in the washer or dryer that likes to eat socks!! I am laughing!!! Have a blessed weekend! πŸ™‚

  • Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden
    Posted at 17:07h, 03 March Reply

    I want to know where do they go? When I decide to either throw the sock away or use it for something else is when I’ll find the other one. Have a great weekend!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 20:23h, 03 March Reply

      Yes, if I don’t find the sock, I will just use the lone sock for dusting. πŸ™‚

  • kathyscottage
    Posted at 17:43h, 03 March Reply

    Washers and dryers eat socks! πŸ™‚

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 20:24h, 03 March Reply

      They sure do eat socks!!! πŸ™‚

  • June Foster
    Posted at 18:00h, 03 March Reply

    Melissa, missing socks are one of those things in life that can never be explained. I tend to say it’s like Murphy’s Law, yet it isn’t. Items frequently disappear with no explanation. I’m afraid we’ll never know why.
    Though that was a bit tongue in cheek, it really is true.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 20:19h, 03 March Reply

      Just can’t find those missing socks!!! Haha!!

  • Perrianne Askew
    Posted at 19:11h, 03 March Reply

    The β€œSockless Monster”is alive and well at our house……somewhere.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 20:16h, 03 March Reply

      Love this!! Sockless monster!! πŸ™‚

  • Carol
    Posted at 22:49h, 03 March Reply

    This is so funny. I just finished folding the laundry and almost lost a sock that fell off the bed. Good story.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:51h, 03 March Reply

      Funny how those socks have a life of their own! πŸ™‚

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 22:55h, 03 March Reply

    I often find the missing sock inside of a pant leg. Funny thing, I wrote about this on my blog several years ago. In the post, I’d included a photo of a single sock. Do you know, even now that photo of the sock gets clicked on a couple times a month…very strange! I suppose people are curious about missing socks. πŸ™‚

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 23:21h, 03 March Reply

      Jill, I am laughing right now. There seems to be a fascination with missing socks. πŸ™‚

  • Sandra Ardoin
    Posted at 13:11h, 05 March Reply

    I think every washer and dryer comes with its own version of the Bermuda Triangle.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:20h, 05 March Reply

      Haha! I agree with you Sandra. πŸ™‚

  • RobbyeFaye
    Posted at 16:14h, 05 March Reply

    I am always searching for lost socks and other pieces of clothing. I think I have a clothing “bandit!” Either that or an extremely HUNGRY washer or dryer!
    BTW, you are braver than I where Tick Tock’s brother is concerned-I would be running for the hills, even though I can’t run!!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:48h, 05 March Reply

      RobbyeFaye, I can’t run either. So, I try to stay far away from the gators. haha! I have found the missing sock. Funny how those socks disappear at the strangest times. haha!

      • RobbyeFaye
        Posted at 20:38h, 05 March Reply

        I’m sorry you can’t run, either. Glad you stay far away from the gators!!
        I’m glad you found the sock. It’s so odd how you always seem to lose one! Ha!

  • ordinarilyextraordinarymom
    Posted at 23:54h, 08 March Reply

    Such a cute story. I don’t even try to match socks anymore these days. As long as they are the same size, they are good to go for me.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 01:36h, 09 March Reply

      Sounds like a good idea. πŸ™‚

  • Christina Dronen
    Posted at 18:51h, 12 March Reply

    So funny. Yes – we deal with this all the time! Especially kids socks. I wish I had a good use for all the orphan socks.

  • Gail Johnson
    Posted at 22:22h, 28 March Reply

    Hehe. πŸ˜„

  • America On Coffee
    Posted at 19:09h, 19 April Reply

    Sock stories. … LOL ! I do have some. ❀❀❀

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