Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Early Saturday morning, I opened the blinds to see our neighborhood filled with drivers looking for parking places. The usually quiet street was buzzing with excitement. People walked from house to house while sounds of conversation filled the air. The time of year for clearing out...

Yes, we recently experienced "two" of "those" days in a row. Usually, I might say "one of those days". Not this time. The washing machine alerted us to a problem by making banging sounds during the spin cycle. The load was normal. No off balance items. Then,...

Saturday, hubby and I visited the new neighborhood grocery store.  Anticipation of the new store has been discussed by family, friends and strangers for months. Coupons for lower prices and advertisements inviting everyone to an ice cream social have filled our mailboxes. Watching the building...

A restful sleep was my plan for last evening. Daily activities completed. Dishes put away. Laundry folded and placed in drawers. Television turned off. Lights off. Doors locked. Time  to relax on the comfy bed and snuggle under the covers. Ahh...

  I wake up with joy in my soul every morning. I thank God for the glorious day and know that whatever happens He is with me. Living each day with faith and hope is important for seasons of sadness and for seasons of joy. When life is...

Eating healthy is a good thing for body and soul. Today, I made a delicious heated sandwich. Two slices of five grain bread, sliced turkey, provolone cheese and some craisins sprinkled inside to melt and give a hint of sweetness.  Yummy to the tummy! Spreading a...

Preparing for the day involves certain routines such as washing, dressing, eating breakfast and morning devotional readings. Last Sunday morning, I was pleased to have taken care of the normal activities and was ready for church. Glancing in the mirror and making sure no tags...

Sunshine days provide great opportunities for walking and absorbing some Vitamin D. Good for the bones and for the soul. Strolling neighborhood streets give us a breath of fresh air and allows conversations with loved ones, friends and strangers. A glorious time with calm air,...

Birds singing, people chatting, children laughing, a gentle breeze whipping through the air and rain tapping on a rooftop are some of the sounds that bring me happiness. I also enjoy quiet times when my heart and soul rest in peaceful moments. There are blessings...

A ferocious storm rushed through our neighborhood, arriving with force and leaving debris scattered to and fro. Hurricane force winds tossed trash cans from yard to yard and landed them in the street. Decorative flags became battered as they whipped back and forth trying to...