Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Today, I’m happy to share information about author Sandra Kay Chambers. Her dedication to readers is amazing. Sandra’s new book is “Fingerprint Devotions: 40 Devotions to Help You Realize You are a Kid Uniquely Created by God for a Purpose”. Let’s get to know more about...

The new year has arrived and daily routines begin. Some activities are new while others are routine from the past. An important part of any time is taking care of others, including baby dolls, stuffies, and people. Granddaughter Eden is three years old. She is wise...

Preparing for Christmas involves many activities. Cooking, cleaning, purchasing presents, wrapping presents, making lists, writing cards, church activities, and more. I look forward to the fun times. Bop takes care of some of the “to-do” lists and I handle other things that need attending. We...

Gifts are given for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and celebrations. Some of the best presents are ones given “just because” with no special reason or occasion. Gifts may make us laugh while others may bring tears. I received a rock that touched my heart and brought...

Notebooks, backpacks, water bottles, pencils, pens, paper, lunch boxes, and more are ready to go on weekday mornings during the school calendar year. Yellow buses pass by and stop so students can board. Along with adjusting to school schedules, there are also new events such...

A road trip to see a famous author, who is a sweet friend, brought laughter and joy to a special event. We never know what will happen with the Henderson family. God always gives us something to bring happiness and joy. Today’s blog is about...

When we moved into this home a few years ago, one of the first purchases we made was a storm door. Bop and I enjoy the light coming through the house. From the glass storm door, we can view the hummingbirds at the feeders and...

A variety of flavors can be found during each season. Strawberries in summer, pumpkins in autumn, and the delightful scent of cinnamon during the colder months. Each person has their favorites and sometimes those favorites change from day to day. Do you like popsicles? Do...

“What are we doing today at Mimi’s?” This is a question I hear often from Rowan and Eden and also, the neighborhood children. School is finished and summertime activities have begun at Mimi’s house. Warm weather is here and that means bubbles, water balloons, splash...

“Press your pointer finger in the dirt and make a hole. Then, place the tiny seed into that hole and cover it with dirt.” The afternoon conversation with Grandson Rowan was filled with wonder. His imagination and thirst for learning bring excitement. When Rowan comes to...