Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Bop and the Outdoor Decorations

Preparing for Christmas involves many activities. Cooking, cleaning, purchasing presents, wrapping presents, making lists, writing cards, church activities, and more. I look forward to the fun times. Bop takes care of some of the “to-do” lists and I handle other things that need attending. We laugh and enjoy our time together.

Bop puts the inflatable Christmas tree and snowman out in the front yard every year. Rowan and Eden show him the exact spot for each decoration. Then, when all the pins are put securely in the ground and adjusted, the moment arrives for Bop to plug in the cord. We stand and watch excitedly as the flat balloon-like characters fill with air and appear to come to life.

My hands are cupped on my cheeks as we all squeal with joy. The inflatables are the same every year and perhaps next year, we’ll buy a new one. But, for this year, all is well. Seeing Rowan, Eden, and neighborhood friends run in the yard and touch the tree and snowman as they light up, is a precious sight. The Christmas decorations are a beautiful sight both day and night.

Only one thing might change the positions of the snowman and the Christmas tree inflatables. Weather in the Lowcountry of South Carolina is often unpredictable. Local meteorologists share their forecasts with the community and we wait to see what will happen. I check my phone each morning to learn the predictions for rain, wind, barometric pressure, etc.
With changing weather patterns, Bop and I needed to keep an eye on the outdoor decorations.

A prediction for heavy rain and wind sounded alerts on our phones recently. Checking the details, I noticed the weather wasn’t supposed to change until later in the day. The inflatables would be fine for now.

I should have remembered the weather changes from minute to minute here on the coast. The forecasted weather system arrived early and torrential rains and strong winds began to race through our neighborhood.

Looking out of the front window, I could see ornaments that had once adorned outdoor trees were now flying in the air. Decorative holiday garden flags from other yards were now stuck to the wet ground. Pine straw, pine cones, mulch, and more drifted from one yard to another as the rain began to flood the ground.

Bop and I looked at each other and knew there was no point in stepping out in the storm to rescue the inflatables. We watched as they teetered left and right, appearing to dance in the storm. Security pins held them in place for a while. Then, when the rain paused for a bit, Bop opened the front door and unplugged the cord from the wall.
A whooshing sound filled the yard as the air released from the snowman and tree. The pins had done their job and held tightly to the ground. All was well for now.

There were several days and nights when Bop ran out of the house to secure the decorations. Each time, he said, “I wonder if I should just take them down.” Yet, Bop continued to make sure the snowman and tree would be ready for all to enjoy.

The sunshine finally returned and the ground and decorations dried. Great news, until… More storms came on and off for a couple of weeks. Each time, Bop watched from the window and decided what to do. Some neighbors took down their inflatables. Other folks left them up and watched as they danced in the wind. Every day was an adventure.

Christmas arrived and the decorations survived. Now, Bop has released the pins from the ground and placed the snowman and the tree on the porch to dry out for the season.

Next, we will get ready for 2024 and the wonderful blessings God will provide. As you know, “It’s Always A Story with The Henderson’s”.

Mimi and Bop hope you all enjoyed a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy and Healthy New Year! God loves you!

Mimi aka Melissa Henderson

  • Yvonne M Morgan
    Posted at 16:07h, 28 December Reply

    We put up inflatables for the first time this year so I can relate to your post. We had a wonderful Christmas and I pray you did too. Blessings on your New Year Melissa.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 16:14h, 28 December Reply

      There are more selections of inflatables every year. haha! Glad you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. I have Covid, so we had to postpone our celebrations for a bit. I’m feeling better each day. Have a blessed New Year dear friend! 🙂

  • June Foster
    Posted at 00:04h, 29 December Reply

    The Lord’s blessing on you and your family in the new year.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 13:17h, 29 December Reply

      Thank you June. Praying for you and Joe to have a wonderful and healthy 2024. Hugs! Have a blessed day!

  • Karen Jurgens Harrison
    Posted at 08:05h, 29 December Reply

    I’m sorry about your storms! We’ve had some wet days but not storms and winds. Wishing you a very happy New Year and good health! Prayers that you get well soon, dear Mimi. 😊🙏🏻

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 13:17h, 29 December Reply

      Thank you Karen. I appreciate the prayers. Today is a good day so far. 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your sweet family. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Jessica Brodie
    Posted at 19:26h, 01 January Reply

    I love how your inflatables served as a beacon of joy even in the nasty storms. That’s a great analogy for God’s love and hope in the dark times. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 22:11h, 01 January Reply

      Thank you Jessica. Happy New Year to you and your precious family! 🙂

  • Barbara Harper
    Posted at 20:58h, 01 January Reply

    My grandson loves inflatables, and his family has some for different seasons and holidays. They do add a joyful, fun element to the yard! It’s good yours didn’t go flying in the storm.

    I saw in a previous comment that you had Covid–I hope you’re recovering well and will be like new soon. Happy 2024!

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 22:12h, 01 January Reply

      Inflatables can be fun experiences. 🙂 Yes, I am recovering from Covid. I am tired most of the time, but feeling better every day. Happy New Year! 🙂

  • Gail Johnson
    Posted at 12:24h, 02 January Reply

    Your decorations look lovely, Melissa. Sorry to hear you’ve been sick. Hope you’re doing better. Blessings to you and yours! 💕

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 12:35h, 02 January Reply

      Thank you Gail. I’m feeling better. I’m out of the quarantine period. Just get tired quickly. Happy New Year! 🙂

  • Katherine Pasour
    Posted at 13:47h, 02 January Reply

    I enjoyed reading the saga of your inflatables. They bring color and joy to the holidays and the picture you shared is lovely. My grandchildren get much pleasure out of the inflatables they have. Happy New Year, Melissa and family!

  • Lynn J Simpson
    Posted at 14:46h, 03 January Reply

    Happy New Year, Melissa! Traditions like the Christmas decorations are so important to kids, including adult children. Looks like taking care of the decorations through the Christmas weather season is becoming a tradition during the season, too. It was a joyful read. Thank you!

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 21:20h, 03 January Reply

      Thank you Lynn. I love how the children and adults can find joy in the simple things. 🙂 Happy New Year! 🙂

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