Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Hold On Mimi! Have Patience!

Lowcountry weather has tricked me again. Every morning, I check my phone app to get the latest updates on temperatures, winds, and barometric pressure. January brought cool nights and warmer days. February continues with Spring-like weather. A bit of rain here and there. Clouds on some days and bright sunshine on other days. When will Spring arrive? Will the forecasters have the correct predictions?

The coastal area of South Carolina hasn’t experienced a deep cold snap this winter. No snow or ice, and only a few days of below-freezing temps. Will that trend continue? I enjoy the differences in each season. The cold invigorates my body, but I’m happy to go inside and have a cup of warm tea when my bones begin to ache. The heat of summer and the sun baking on my skin feels good until the sweat and humidity become unbearable and I venture inside the house to cool down with air conditioning and a glass of cold tea.

Where is my patience? Why do I want to hang the new hummingbird feeders at the first rise in temperatures? Am I missing something that God is trying to share with me?

Last week, I ordered two new hummingbird feeders. The box arrived and I couldn’t wait to hang them on the pole in the front flower bed and the pole in the backyard flower bed. That was Thursday. Today is Monday. The feeders continue to sit on the kitchen counter. Why haven’t I asked Bop to help me hang them outside? 

I paused and prayed. I asked God for the answer to why I was waiting to place the beautiful red and yellow food stations outside. Then, I smiled as I woke up this morning and checked my phone. Rain and cold weather are forecasted for the next few days.

Yes, the little hummers will visit the area in the rain. Yes, they have visited in the cold. God knew I should wait a few more days to prepare the sugar nectar and fill the globes. God was saying, “Hold on Mimi. Have patience.”

So, I will wait until I feel the nudge from God. I will wait to display those feeders. God knows what is best for the hummingbirds. Perhaps if they saw the red nectar too soon, their flight pattern would be disrupted. God knows what the birds need. God knows what we need.

Now, I wait patiently and hope for warmer days and sunshine. Those days will come. As for now, the beautiful feeders sit on the kitchen counter waiting to be used.

I feel like a young child with new toys. I want to play with them. But, I will wait for the best time to take them outside.

Do you enjoy watching the hummingbirds? When do you hang your feeders?

“I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine.” (Psalms 50:11 NIV)

Have a blessed day,

Mimi aka Melissa Henderson

  • Gail Johnson
    Posted at 12:05h, 27 February Reply

    Those grands will love the hummingbirds. Happy watching! <3

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 17:07h, 27 February Reply

      I’m so thankful that my parents taught me the love of watching the birds. I’m happy to pass that love on to Rowan and Eden. Have a blessed week! 🙂

      • Gail Johnson
        Posted at 17:17h, 27 February Reply

        I love watching them and hope to pass it along to my grands one day.

  • JD Wininger
    Posted at 13:20h, 27 February Reply

    No you know I was singing “Hang on Mimi, Mimi Hang On” in my head, don’t you? 🙂 How I enjoy your heart for God on full display in all that you do. I have to remind myself often that when I ask God’s help for patience, kindness, self-control, etc., He obliges by giving me the exercise in those disciplines I need to grow them. Thank you for starting my day with a smile ma’am. I’ll be humming that Beach Boys variation all day now. LOL

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 17:08h, 27 February Reply

      Hahha! You have made me laugh this morning. Yes, keep singing. Thank you for your encouragement. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • JD Wininger
    Posted at 13:21h, 27 February Reply

    Oops… wasn’t the Beach Boys who sang “Hang On Sloopy”, it was The McCoys. See what happens when we get old? I pray that never happens to you sweet friend.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 17:08h, 27 February Reply

      Love that song! 🙂 Thanks for the reminder and now the song is stuck in my head. hahaha!

  • June and Joe Foster
    Posted at 16:22h, 27 February Reply

    I love the way you add the Lord into every situation in your life. Even the small things like hummingbird feeders.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 17:09h, 27 February Reply

      Thank you June. His presence is everywhere. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Katherine Pasour
    Posted at 20:10h, 27 February Reply

    I’m looking froward to Spring, too, Melissa. And I’m anxious to hang my hummingbird feeders. I love watching those busy little birds. Thanks for this message–for letting me know you’re anticipating Spring, too. It’s cool and cloudy here, but that will soon change. Blessings!

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 21:41h, 27 February Reply

      Thank you Katherine. I’m looking forward to seeing the hummers. 🙂 Have a blessed week!

  • Lynn J Simpson
    Posted at 23:05h, 27 February Reply

    I love how you prayed first, instead of being hard on yourself for not yet hanging the feeders. God’s timing is perfect. I haven’t tried hummingbird feeders in my area, yet. I do have feeders for the chickadees and sparrows that are here in all seasons!

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 14:51h, 28 February Reply

      Lynn, I love watching the chickadees and sparrows. This morning, I am watching sparrows at the feeder hanging in the tree. I love the birds! Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Barbara Harper
    Posted at 23:07h, 27 February Reply

    I was just wondering myself when to hang the hummingbird feeder. We put one right outside the kitchen window so we can watch them from there. I usually wait til I see one or two, but would like to set them out earlier this year so they’re ready. Google says late February or March for Southern states, but I like to wait til it’s consistently above freezing. We’re supposed to get in the 20s again next week here in TN.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 14:52h, 28 February Reply

      Yikes! The 20s! Oh no! We already have pollen on the roofs and cars. Crazy stuff! This isn’t helping me recover from the Flu A. Each day is a little better. Hopefully, the hummers will return soon. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Yvonne M Morgan
    Posted at 01:25h, 29 February Reply

    I love watching hummingbirds and I just got my first feeder recently. Like you, I can’t wait to put it out but I’m trying to be patient. Thanks for the lovely, heartwarming story Melissa

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 12:41h, 29 February Reply

      I’m glad you enjoy the hummingbirds, too. They are wonderful creations of God. Thank you for your encouragement. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Jessica Brodie
    Posted at 13:51h, 01 March Reply

    I love this. “God knows what the birds need. God knows what we need.” Waiting for God’s nudge can be hard sometimes, but we can trust he’s always there, nudging us when the time is right!

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 22:11h, 02 March Reply

      Thank you Jessica. Yes, we can trust God is always with us. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂

  • Melissa McLaughlin
    Posted at 12:25h, 04 March Reply

    Melissa, this story touched my heart. I love spring and can’t wait for the flowers and animals to grace our backyard. You captured that longing so well. I appreciate how you listen fir God’s direction in the little things. Yes, He cares for the birds, just as He cares for us. Beautiful lesson!

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 12:42h, 04 March Reply

      Thank you Melissa. God loves His creations and He gives us wonderful things to enjoy. Have a blessed week dear friend! 🙂

  • Karen Jurgens Harrison
    Posted at 06:24h, 08 March Reply

    Lovely story and wise lesson, Mimi. Waiting is hard, but when God-directed, everything works out for good. And I have a hummingbird story–when my parents retired to Arizona, Mother had hummingbird feeders in the front and back of their home. One day when I was sitting outside by the pool, I heard a little motor running. It happened to be a baby hummingbird who was checking me out to see if I was a flower–I guess he smelled my perfume. It was just adorable! Hummingbirds are my most favorite. Someday when my caregiving days are over, I’m joining the Audubon Society and go bird watching. Have a blessed week, dear friend.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 23:35h, 09 March Reply

      I love this story! Hummingbirds are my favorite, too. Have a blessed weekend dear friend! 🙂

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