07 Dec Stand Up Snowman!
Towards the end of November, my husband and I decided to start decorating for Christmas. A little tree for the playroom/office was first on the list. The big tree for the living room came next. Red, green, and white lights to adorn shelves, counters, and other spots, were pulled from cardboard boxes in the closet. Along with the decorations for the inside of the house, we gathered the outdoor inflatables and lights. We noticed one problem immediately. The inflatable snowman wouldn’t stand up. We called out. “Stand up snowman!”
Alan was arranging extension cords and unboxing the Christmas tree and snowman. The front yard would be inviting with colorful decorations and lights. I checked on Alan and he looked at the ground and frowned.
“I guess the snowman has seen its last day. It won’t stand up. The air is blowing into the right place, but it won’t fill up completely. Oh, well. We’ll have to get another one.”
The disappointment was evident as he asked me to bring a trash bag for the defeated snowman. I went inside and gathered a bag. I walked back outside and watched as Alan attempted to get the inflatable Christmas tree to work. That failed, too.
Both of us spoke more words of frustration. We didn’t want to go to the store at that moment. We wanted to have the decorations working for the grandkids and the neighborhood to enjoy.
As I looked down at the deflated and wrinkled snowman, I noticed a zipper on the back side of the item. I wondered if that could be the problem.
“Hey, honey, did you see a zipper on the back? There is probably one on both things.”
I reached down, closed the zipper, and to our surprise, the snowman filled with air and stood tall.
“Oh, my goodness!! Look at that!” We both shouted and laughed.
In our joy to put up the inflatable snowman and the Christmas tree, we neglected to check all the parts and follow directions.
This situation reminds me not to rush through the Christmas season. Enjoy every moment and remember the reason for the season. Jesus Christ is our gift from God. Share time with God today. Thank Him for the many blessings He gives. Thank Him for Jesus. Thank Him for fun decorations that make us smile. Give thanks for His love and forgiveness.
Have a blessed day! God loves you.
In His Name,
Mimi aka Melissa Henderson
Bettie G
Posted at 15:19h, 07 DecemberLove this moment of joy! Thanks for bringing a smile and encouragement to my day, Melissa! Blessings!!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:08h, 08 DecemberThank you. I love your smiles. Have a blessed week! 🙂
Mary Ann Amstutz
Posted at 15:52h, 07 DecemberLove all your decorations!
Melissa Henderson
Posted at 14:35h, 05 JanuaryThank you. 🙂
Posted at 15:57h, 07 DecemberGreat reminder!
Melissa Henderson
Posted at 14:35h, 05 JanuaryThank you. 🙂
Charlotte Robinson
Posted at 16:20h, 07 DecemberBeautiful Melissa! I loved the story and the lesson! Thank you for being. A voice for the love of Jesus during this season!
Melissa Henderson
Posted at 14:36h, 05 JanuaryThank you Charlotte. 🙂
Virginia J. Foster
Posted at 17:55h, 07 DecemberSometimes it just takes a woman’s touch. (smile) The Lord’s blessings to you this Christmas.
Gail Johnson
Posted at 20:22h, 07 DecemberLove this, Melissa. What a great reminder to enjoy the journey. Merry Christmas!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:10h, 08 DecemberThank you Gail. Have a blessed week! Merry Christmas!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:08h, 08 DecemberHahaha! So true! Merry Christmas to you and Joe! God bless you both!
Jessica Brodie
Posted at 20:50h, 07 DecemberHa! So cute that such a simple fix took care of the problem. Isn’t it that way often in life?? 🙂 Merry Christmas, my friend!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:09h, 08 DecemberMerry Christmas dear friend! I’m thankful for laughter in the small things. Have a blessed week!
Yvonne Morgan
Posted at 23:24h, 07 DecemberLove it Melissa. Isn’t that the truth. So glad the snowman was saved.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:09h, 08 DecemberWe’re glad the snowman was saved, too. Funny times! Have a blessed week! Merry Christmas!
Barbara Harper
Posted at 21:51h, 08 DecemberMy grandson loves inflatables! I didn’t know they had zippers.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:10h, 08 DecemberHaha! We didn’t know they had zippers either. We learn something new every day. Have a blessed week! Merry Christmas!
Posted at 00:26h, 09 DecemberMelissa, glad you noticed the zippers. I pray to be thankful and not rush through the Christmas season.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 12:52h, 09 DecemberYes, let’s not rush through the Christmas season. I pray we all reflect on the love of God. Merry Christmas! 🙂
Debbie Wilson
Posted at 14:26h, 11 DecemberI tend to rush through certain tasks. What a wonderful reminder to slow down and enjoy the process.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 18:17h, 11 DecemberThank you Debbie. Have a wonderful and blessed day! Merry Christmas! 🙂
Karen Jurgens Harrison
Posted at 07:44h, 14 DecemberSo glad your problem was solved! Sometimes we can find answers if we take it easy and read the directions first. I’m taking this season very slowly myself! Wishing you a very merry Christmas, dear friend.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 14:06h, 16 DecemberThank you Karen. Have a Merry Christmas! 🙂