Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Mount Pleasant SC has many beautiful and scenic places to walk and enjoy nature. From shaded neighborhood paths to golden sandy beaches to local parks, a leisure walk can soothe the soul. Wrapped around my left wrist, I wear one of those marvelous bands that keeps...

I have been known to misplace items only to find the particular item right in front of me or somewhere close by. I always like to know where certain things are located. Recently, some of our family from Virginia came for a visit. We enjoyed having...

A leisurely drive along Rt. 41 provides opportunity to view picturesque ponds, creeks and low lying areas where water ebbs and flows. I've always been fascinated with the tide. The coming in and going out of the water is a marvelous mystery. Whether the water...

Windy and rainy day here with branches bending while birds try to snuggle down in their nests. Cars drive slowly through the downpours of rain. The neighborhood is quiet except for the sound of raindrops hitting the roof and the windows. Gazing through my home office...

How in the world do I lose socks? There are only two of us in this house and the house is not large. Yet, every now and then, I lose a sock or two. Somehow, somewhere in the midst of sorting clothes and washing and...

Weather in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina has been gorgeous recently. Bright sunshine and warm temperatures cause our bodies to call out for sunscreen. Snapdragons are blooming, yellow and purple pansies adorn entrances to neighborhoods while red and pink flowers on bushes are bursting forth with...

February arrives with special memories for our family.  February 12th was Mama's birthday and February 15th, 2005 was my breast cancer diagnosis. There are birthdays, holidays and other opportunities to celebrate and remember during this month. Someone shared with me how cardinals in your yard signify...

Last week was filled with doctor appointments for me and my hurting back and neck. This is an ongoing, years long adventure with chronic pain. I've endured pain medications, injections of various kinds, physical therapy and so much more. Every now and then, the intensity...

Listening to surrounding sounds has always been a fascination for me. This morning, the house is mostly quiet and still as hubby has gone to exercise class and I am working on daily activities. Writing, dusting, laundry, etc. Sitting at the desk, my eyes keep veering...

Imagine our surprise when heavy snowflakes began falling yesterday in coastal South Carolina. We know all about snow from living in Virginia. Mountain snow, city snow...