Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Olive and The Keys

“Mom, can you and Dad go to our house and let Olive outside? We’ll be home later.” Our son Mike had called to ask if we could take care of their Boston Terrier dog named Olive. Mike, Christine, Rowan, and Eden were away and wouldn’t be home until later that evening.
Agreeing to ride to their home and make sure Olive had fresh water, food, and the chance to play outside in the backyard for a bit, Alan and I chose a time to make the drive.

As the bright sun of day began turning to dusk, I gathered my key ring that has more keys on it than I could ever use.
“Mimi, are you sure we have a key for their house?” Alan inquired.
“Sure, it’s bound to be somewhere in this pile of keys.” I answered with confidence.
“Which one is the key we need?” Alan didn’t share my confidence.
“Well, we’ve taken care of Olive before, so I know we have a key.”
Alan laughed. “Are you sure it’s not one of the keys that we keep in a plastic bag in the basket on the kitchen counter?”
The basket Alan was referring to is filled with business cards, stamps, coupons, address labels, small mementos, and other things, including plastic bags with keys.

At Alan’s suggestion, I decided to look inside the full basket.
What do you think I found?
Yes, a plastic sandwich bag with the key we needed. Alan was right.
In my hurry to complete the task of taking care of Olive dog, I thought I had the needed item. I was overconfident. I didn’t pause to make sure the correct key was on the key ring.

This reminds me of how there are times when we need to be confident and other times, we need to ask for help. Seeking guidance from the Father is always the best way to handle any situation.
God hears our prayers. Whether we are asking to find lost keys,(or keys we didn’t know were lost) or praying to the Father with big requests, there is comfort in knowing He is listening.

Alan and I were able to visit with Olive doggy and sit with her in the backyard. She constantly looked at the garage door and at the gate. Olive missed her family, but they would be home soon.

As for all the keys on my keyring, I’m still perplexed as to why I have so many keys. I only use a few of them. I’m thankful for God’s reminder to be patient and ask for His help, even with finding keys.

Have a blessed day,
Mimi aka Melissa Henderson

  • Karen Jurgens Harrison
    Posted at 07:41h, 07 June Reply

    So glad you went prepared with the right key! Alan saved the day for Olive. Good reminder to also listen to the Holy Spirit when He nudges us. 😊

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 11:35h, 07 June Reply

      Yes, we need to listen when the Holy Spirit nudges us. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  • Nancy E. Head
    Posted at 11:10h, 07 June Reply

    It does seem that keys reproduce, but you can’t always find the one you need. Your story is another example of how two are better than one. God bless!

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 11:45h, 07 June Reply

    God certainly holds the key to all of our needs, doesn’t He? I have a feeling you’ll be purging some of those keys. 🙂

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 12:36h, 07 June Reply

      Amen. God holds the key to all our needs. Yes, I need to purge some of those keys. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  • CarolSouders
    Posted at 12:51h, 07 June Reply

    This is so sweet. You are very organized. I have keys here and there and no idea what they go to.

    • Melissa G. Henderson`
      Posted at 12:27h, 08 June Reply

      Haha! Seems a lot of people have mystery keys. Have a blessed day dear Carol! 🙂

  • June Foster
    Posted at 13:20h, 07 June Reply

    I know your story is about trusting and depending upon God, but I especially enjoyed reading about Olive, the dog. I love dogs and dog stories. I know she was thrilled when her family returned home, but having Grandma and Grandpa come to visit was second best.

  • JD Wininger
    Posted at 13:30h, 07 June Reply

    Oh, how often have I gone off without the right keys. Whether they’re literal keys (gates, barns, equipment, tractor, etc.) or the keys to life, I head off thinking I’m prepared for what’s ahead, only to learn I’ve derailed myself by not properly preparing. Isn’t it funny how we teach “The Seven Ps” all of our adult lives, but we don’t seem to always practice it ourselves? Loved your post Ms. Mimi. Thank you ma’am, and God’s blessings. Have fallen in love with little “Olive” too.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 11:40h, 08 June Reply

      Thank you JD. I love how God uses the little things like keys to teach us lessons. Yes, Olive dog is a sweetheart. Have a blessed week dear friend! 🙂

  • Barbara Harper
    Posted at 18:51h, 07 June Reply

    That’s so good that God prompted your husband to ask about the key. I’ve done that–taken off for somewhere and then found I didn’t have something I needed. A while back I took all the keys off my key ring except the bare minimum. I have a couple on there now that I am not sure what they belong to. 😀 I think one of for my son’s former house and one goes to our former church. They look almost alike. Keeping old keys in a plastic bag is a great idea. I toss ours in a desk drawer.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 11:41h, 08 June Reply

      Thank you Barbara. I am still wondering about some of those keys. But, I am reluctant to throw any of them away. haha! Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Gail Johnson
    Posted at 19:42h, 07 June Reply

    To be unable to find a key is frustrating. I lose mine at least once a month. I also have too many on my keyring, weighing my purse down. I know Olive is a cutie. We had a Boston Terrier years ago. Thoughtful reminder, Melissa! Thank you for sharing.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 11:42h, 08 June Reply

      Thank you Gail. Yes, frustrating not to be able to find a key. God uses the little things like keys to teach us lessons. 🙂 Have a blessed week!

  • Lynn J Simpson
    Posted at 02:19h, 08 June Reply

    Oh those “treasure” baskets of unknown keys and other stuff! I think the majority of us have one in our homes. This reminds me, too, to make sure I bring the right “key” with me always. And that key is God’s grace!

  • Ava Pennington
    Posted at 03:10h, 08 June Reply

    Glad you stopped to check for the key. I confess that all too often I hear the little “nudge” but rush off anyway!

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 11:43h, 08 June Reply

      Yes, we must be alert and ready for those nudges from God. 🙂 Have a blessed week Ava!

  • Yvonne Morgan
    Posted at 15:21h, 08 June Reply

    What a cute puppy. Glad you were able to help out.
    A few years ago, my husband made me clean up my key ring because I had so many on there and had no idea what they opened. It certainly made my life simpler

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 17:02h, 08 June Reply

      Good idea to clean up the keyring. Only trouble is I might need one of those keys at some point. Probably not. hahahahaha! Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Melinda Viergever Inman
    Posted at 16:18h, 09 June Reply

    Your bags of keys are very endearing, dear friend. I am a fellow keeper of small items that belong in their own plastic bags — pinecones, acorns, dried tiny roses, pretty rocks, etc. I love this takeaway: “This reminds me of how there are times when we need to be confident and other times, we need to ask for help.”

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 16:30h, 09 June Reply

      Thank you Melinda. Yes, I often need the reminder to ask for help. His help. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Jessica Brodie
    Posted at 18:02h, 10 June Reply

    I love how God uses little things to teach such big lessons. And Olive is ADORABLE! Glad you found the right key. 🙂

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 21:09h, 10 June Reply

      Thank you Jessica. Olive is a sweet doggy. Yes, I love how God can use even the little things to teach big lessons. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • kathybarrett222yahoocom
    Posted at 22:30h, 10 June Reply

    I really enjoyed this post, Melissa. A good reminder for this girl who is sometime overly confident! Thank you.

  • Diana Derringer
    Posted at 18:56h, 15 June Reply

    When you identify all your mystery keys, maybe you can help me with mine. Thank you for the application reminder.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 20:10h, 15 June Reply

      I am looking at my key chain today and trying to decide which ones to remove. haha! Looks like a lot of people have the same issue. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Debbie Wilson
    Posted at 16:44h, 05 July Reply

    Melissa, I tend to run off half-cocked. Larry will grab my elbow and ask where I’m headed. Sometimes in the wrong direction. I’ve been known to call him from the road asking for directions.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 20:36h, 05 July Reply

      Sounds like a story from the Henderson house. haha! Have a blessed week! 🙂

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