Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

A recent move from a rented townhouse to purchasing our own home involved many “to do” lists. Alan and I chose to rent a home when we moved from Virginia to South Carolina three years ago. After renting two beautiful townhomes in two years, we...

My morning routine includes opening my eyes and saying “Good morning God. Thank You for this glorious day and all Your blessings.” Before my feet touch the floor, I am thanking God. Once I am dressed and ready for the day, I head for the front...

Alan is working at home due to the coronavirus. The dining room table is his office. We have a room designated as my home office, so I have all my writing materials together in that room. On a recent morning, I was upstairs and heard the...

  Beautiful scenery from the shore to the hills. Redbuds waking from winter sleep. Yellow daffodils standing tall in fields. Blue birds and wrens flying from fence post to tree limb. Mountain views in the distance. Traveling from home to a writers conference filled my eyes...

Happy New Year! Wishes for good health and happiness have been posted online, stated out loud, written in cards and letters and displayed on signs in stores. Smiles and handshakes are given to friends, family and strangers. For a few days before the new year...

"Quick. Alan, look! What is that strange looking thing? Could it be a dangerous creature?" My voice quivered as I began imagining all the possibilities. Looking out of the window by our front door, I was shocked to see an unknown "something" sitting in the pine...