07 Mar Ten and Ten
Lunch with friends brings conversation, laughter, sometimes tears, always prayers, delicious food and more. Recently I attended a birthday celebration gathering for a dear friend. The fun began while we were riding to the restaurant. Arriving at the establishment, we were promptly shown to our table and the server brought water and menus.
We inquired about the lunch specials, placed orders for food, and began chatting. Catching up on life events and sharing about children and grandchildren are usual topics of discussion. Of course, I have to give the latest update on Rowan and Eden. There is always a funny story to share with everyone.
Sharing life with these friends brings joy. Each person is experiencing a different life journey. In this special group, we know thoughts and prayers will be said for each person.
As we finished the meal and dessert, time had come to pay the bill. Each person was paying for their own food. The server was gracious in creating separate bills for each lady. Some paid with cash and others with credit card.
The nice lady who was taking care of us collected the payments and went to the register.
She returned with change and receipts for everyone. Well, everyone except me. I had paid with cash and was expecting some dollars back. I waited patiently and then inquired about my change. I had planned to give a nice tip, but still wanted the money so I could decide the amount of tip to give.
Several people at our table called the server. We explained how I didn’t get any change back. The sweet lady looked at me and said, “Oh, I know exactly what I owe you. Sorry about that.”
She walked to the cash register and found the amount due to me. Bringing the dollars back, she apologized.
I still wanted to give this woman a nice tip. She had worked so hard to help our group. She was polite, efficient, and quick with the orders. So, I gave a $10.00 tip. This sweet server kept saying, “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
After the luncheon, I arrived home to find a wonderful email from a friend. The news stated that I had won a $10.00 gift card to use online. Wow!! What a nice surprise!
God is so good. I gave a $10.00 tip and He gave me $10.00 back. Thank You God.
Have you experienced anything like this?
Have a blessed and joy filled day,
Mimi aka Melissa Henderson
June Foster
Posted at 17:18h, 07 MarchI love the chance to get together with other ladies and share lunch and good conversation. Yes, God is so good.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 19:05h, 07 MarchWhat a great blessing to share time with friends! Have a wonderful week!
Kimberly Rose Johnson
Posted at 18:44h, 07 MarchGetting together with friends is such a blessing! I recently was able to reconnect with one and it was an amazing time for both of us. Have a great week!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 19:06h, 07 MarchHow wonderful for you and your friend to reconnect! Have a blessed week!
Jill Weatherholt
Posted at 23:14h, 07 MarchYes, I have received a surprise gift from God after doing good for another. It makes the gift that much sweeter.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:25h, 07 MarchWonderful! I love how God surprises us.
Have a blessed week!
Diana Derringer
Posted at 00:17h, 08 MarchDon’t you love days like that?
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 00:37h, 08 MarchYes, I love how God brings smiles in the every day situations. Have a blessed week!
Jeannie Waters
Posted at 00:42h, 08 MarchI enjoyed your story, Melissa. Sometimes when I spend time to help someone, I receive help in return, but it’s a blessing to help without the expectation of return. I’m glad you were able to bless the server. I’m sure you didn’t expect the blessing you received.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 14:57h, 08 MarchThank you Jeannie. I truly was surprised at the blessing I received. God is so good. Have a blessed week!
Ava Pennington
Posted at 01:24h, 08 MarchFellowship and generosity – a priceless combination!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 14:54h, 08 MarchI agree.
I love sharing time with special friends. Have a blessed week! 
Lynn J Simpson
Posted at 14:06h, 08 MarchHaving been a waitress a long time ago now, I do remember how separate bills could get confusing! And remembering whose was whose! This was before debit machines, so it was either cash or credit card (writing out the slip and using those swipe machines–but thinking about three years ago when I was in the US, most of the restaurants were not using the wireless payment terminals at the tables yet…)..Anyways, I digress! I am sure the waitress appreciated your kind way of asking for your change. And yes, God is good!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 14:55h, 08 MarchI appreciate wait staff. The hard work, long hours, and dealing with rude customers sometimes, has to be draining. Patience is always a good thing in every situation.
Have a blessed week! 
Gail Johnson
Posted at 15:28h, 08 MarchIt’s always a blessing to bless others. The Lord has surprised me several times. We cannot out give the Lord.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 16:13h, 08 MarchAmen. It’s always a blessing to bless others. Have a blessed week!
JD Wininger
Posted at 16:55h, 08 MarchLove it Ms. Melissa. Another great example of how when we give with a cheerful heart, God always repays us. I think my favorite “gifts” is when I’ve done a kindness for someone (paying for groceries for the person in front of or behind me, etc.), God always gives me a big ole “Heart Hug” as a reward. Those tears, that always come, are so refreshing for our soul.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 00:33h, 09 MarchI love those “Heart Hugs” from the Lord. There are so many ways to show His love to others.
Have a blessed week. 
Nancy E. Head
Posted at 20:13h, 08 MarchA God wink.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 00:33h, 09 MarchAmen. Yes, a God wink. Have a blessed week!
Posted at 22:47h, 08 MarchYears ago we prayed about how much to give to the building fund at church and it was a large amount for these retired old people. So we wrote the check and mailed it off. About then days later we received a check in the mail for 150% of what we had given. A mistake had been made on my husband’s SS and they were making it right. We were floored.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 13:14h, 09 MarchWow! Thank you for sharing your story. God blesses us in more ways than we can ever realize. Have a blessed week!
Barbara Latta
Posted at 00:58h, 09 MarchGod has done that for me so many times. We shouldn’t be surprised when this happens because giving is His nature, but we are still amazed when we see what He does. Thanks for sharing this sweet story.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 13:06h, 09 MarchI love how God shows His love for us in many different ways. Have a blessed week!
Karen Jurgens Harrison
Posted at 08:14h, 09 MarchLovely testimony of how we cannot outgive God! Good for you, Mimi. I also try to leave a generous tip at restaurants. Like you, I appreciate how hard the waitstaff work to please their customers. Have a blessed week! xoxo
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 13:06h, 09 MarchThank you Karen. God works in wonderful ways. Have a blessed week! xoxo
Yvonne Morgan
Posted at 20:52h, 09 MarchI love your story and remember so much of all the time God has done that in my life. Amen.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 20:30h, 13 MarchThank you Yvonne. God shows us wonderful ways to love others. Have a blessed week!
Jessica Brodie
Posted at 00:38h, 10 MarchWhat a beautiful story! It’s funny how God multiplies these blessings across so many lives.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 20:31h, 13 MarchThank you Jessica. God works in wonderful ways. Have a blessed week!
Melinda Viergever Inman
Posted at 22:00h, 10 MarchThat’s a beautiful outcome. Wait staff are underpaid at a very low rate, since the store owners know they will be collecting tips. The wait staff NEED our tips to be able to feed their children, pay their rent, and meet their other obligations. How gracious of the Lord to provide back to you $10 for the $10 you gave as a tip to the server. A great story, Melissa!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 16:30h, 14 MarchThank you Melinda. God always knows what we need. He gives us many ways to bless others. Have a blessed week!
Melissa McLaughlin
Posted at 17:55h, 12 MarchA wonderful story of generosity given that is repaid by God! Yes, I have seen God do similar things in my life. One time on a missions trip, some of the funds we used were repaid in the exact amount. Only God! May we always have a heart to be generous as He lavishly blesses us.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 16:32h, 14 MarchThank you Melissa. Wow! I love how God surprises us in any situation. He loves us and covers us with His blessings. Have a blessed week!
Posted at 22:16h, 12 MarchThis is an amazing story of receiving a hundred fold back from God for your generous heart. What a blessing to the server and then to you.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 16:33h, 14 MarchAmen. God gives us ways to bless others. Have a blessed week!
Jeanne Takenaka
Posted at 01:56h, 16 MarchMelissa, I have a precious group of friends too. The vid kind of wrecked our monthly get togethers, but we have been working on being present in person as well as through text as things have opened up again.
How sweet of God to bless you with that $10.00 gift card after you blessed your server so generously.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 12:53h, 16 MarchWhat a blessing to have a precious group of friends. Yes, the vid altered a lot of activities. Hopefully things will be better soon. God is so good. Have a blessed week!