02 Apr He found joy standing in line…
Saturday, hubby and I visited the new neighborhood grocery store. Anticipation of the new store has been discussed by family, friends and strangers for months. Coupons for lower prices and advertisements inviting everyone to an ice cream social have filled our mailboxes. Watching the building construction, the traffic lights being installed at the parking lot entrance and landscaping bringing beauty to the paved area, questions have been plentiful.
“When is the store opening? What is different about this store? Has anyone ever heard of this chain? Wonder what will happen to the other two grocery stores?”
Yet, even though we know the prices at our favorite stores, we wanted to see what this new place has to offer. We wanted to “check it out”, along with a lot of other folks.
The parking lot was full when we arrived. Store “hosts” were gathering carts to take back inside. A booth was set up outside to offer a place to sign up for the store rewards card. Alan and I found a spot in line to wait for our turn to fill out the form to make sure we get savings on our purchases.
Amidst all the excitement and crowd, that is when I saw him.
A car parked and a woman exited the driver side. The passenger door opened and an elderly gentleman waited for his helper. She placed a walker in front of the gentleman and he grabbed both sides for balance and stood. They proceeded to cross the parking lot and head for the rewards card line.
The two people stood beside us. The man spoke first.
“What a beautiful day! Have you been here before? This is our first time.” The biggest grin was on his face.
Turning to face him, I spoke. “No, we haven’t been here. This is our first time, too.”
The elderly gentleman continued speaking and showing his beautiful smile.
“Isn’t today beautiful? The sun is shining and the birds are singing. I sat on my back porch this morning and listened to the sounds of nature. What a glorious day!”
We continued chatting until we both had our turn in line to fill out the forms.
As we walked into the store, he said, “Have a wonderful day!” Still smiling.
This man touched my heart. I may never see him again. Or, who knows? Maybe I will meet him again at the grocery store.
On a day when everyone could have been grouchy about the crowd and standing in line, this man showed God’s love with a big smile and friendly conversation.
Thank you to the man who found “joy” while standing in line. He gave me “joy”.
Have you found unexpected joy today? Share a smile with someone.
Blessings and smiles,
Gena McCown
Posted at 23:52h, 02 AprilI love these little moment when someone shares their joy with others. I pray that I am someone who shares joy!
Posted at 12:59h, 03 AprilI pray that I am sharing His joy, too. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Jill Weatherholt
Posted at 00:30h, 03 AprilEach day I leave my home I hope to give at least one person the same joy this man brought to you. Beautiful post, Melissa.❤️❤️
Posted at 13:00h, 03 AprilThank you Jill. A smile can truly brighten the world. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Gail Johnson
Posted at 00:58h, 03 AprilI like talking with people while waiting on lines. Enjoyed the post, Melissa!
Posted at 13:00h, 03 AprilThank you Gail. I enjoy chatting with people, too. I hear the most interesting life stories. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Ellen Andersen
Posted at 01:09h, 03 AprilJust yesterday my neighbor and I went to a local park. As we walked along a path, we met a man neither of us knew, sitting on a bench. We commented about the beautiful day it was here. He struck up a conversation with us for about half an hour, telling us all about himself and how much he liked the new park.
Just having someone (even 2 strangers) to talk to seemed to make his day.
Posted at 13:02h, 03 AprilWhat a wonderful blessing for the man and for you all, too! God puts us exactly where we need to be to show His love. Thank you for sharing your story. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Lisa Q
Posted at 02:51h, 03 AprilYou never know what a simple smile can do to brighten someone’s day!
Posted at 13:02h, 03 AprilAmen. A smile can turn the day from sad to glad. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 07:26h, 03 AprilWonderful
Melissa Henderson
Posted at 17:39h, 13 April🙂
Posted at 10:25h, 03 AprilBeautiful. I love when I am able to clearly see the love of Christ in others!
Posted at 13:03h, 03 AprilI agree. What a blessing to see the love of Christ in others! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Jessica Brodie
Posted at 12:04h, 03 AprilJoy is so infectious! Allowing ourselves to experience joy is a wonderful way to shine God’s light.
Posted at 13:04h, 03 AprilYes, yes! Joy is infectious!! Sharing joy can help bring others closer to Him. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Unmasking the Mess
Posted at 12:32h, 03 AprilWhat a heart- warming story! Joy is contagious!
Posted at 13:06h, 03 AprilThank you. Yes, joy is contagious! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 12:46h, 03 AprilWas just reading yesterday about the importance of spreading joy within your own circle and throughout the world. Serendipitious!
Posted at 13:05h, 03 AprilGod shares messages with us in many ways. Reading about spreading joy can help us share His joy with others. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 13:12h, 03 AprilWe have our joy to share with others. Happy day! God bless!
Posted at 13:14h, 03 AprilAmen. Sharing joy blesses us and others. Have a blessed day! 🙂
June Foster
Posted at 15:05h, 03 AprilMelissa, this is a beautiful, encouraging story. Thanks for sharing.
Posted at 17:27h, 03 AprilThank you June. Have a blessed day dear friend. 🙂
Invisibly Me
Posted at 17:29h, 03 AprilI love coupons! And an ice-cream social? They don’t do that kind of thing in the UK, I wish they did! This is such a lovely thing to share, a reminder of the small things and how they can lift the spirits of others, even if it’s just a smile or a few kind words, and how it’s important to breathe and appreciate the goodness when you’re in a situation that you could otherwise be consumed with and become grouchy and grumpy by.
Share a smile, that should be a motto for everyone I think, the world would be that bit brighter for it 🙂
Caz xx
Melissa Henderson
Posted at 17:40h, 13 AprilThank you for reading and commenting. I appreciate your kindness. Have a blessed day full of smiles! 🙂
Posted at 21:32h, 03 AprilAnother proof that joy is contagious!
Posted at 13:36h, 04 AprilAmen. Joy is contagious! Let’s all share His joy today. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 01:24h, 04 AprilI loved reading about the smiling man…my hope is that I can be more like him, just enjoying life.
Posted at 13:37h, 04 AprilThe man definitely brought joy to me. 🙂 I hope and pray I will bring joy to others. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 02:47h, 04 AprilI enjoyed your lovely post, dear Mimi. JOY is infectious! Today I took my mother to get her state ID card, now that she can’t have a driver’s license. The lady who checked us in was very cross, and we thought we’d have to wait in line for hours. We had already been there twice before, and we were supposed to be put to the front of the line at this point. But a very sweet lady came outside and drew us in to a waiting employee who took us right away. She was a warm, understanding person who sympathized that Mother is 97 and just had eye surgery two days ago. It’s such a blessing when a stranger has a smile and a kind, compassionate word! It made my day brighter and full of JOY. Thanks for your delightful story today. Blessings and hugs! xoxo
Posted at 13:39h, 04 AprilThank you for reading and commenting. I am glad a sweet lady helped you. She was showing joy by being understanding and caring. I pray your Mother is healing from her eye surgery. I agree, we are blessed when a stranger has a smile and compassion. Have a blessed day dear friend! Please tell your Mother hello from me. 🙂
Emily Saxe | To Unearth
Posted at 12:28h, 04 AprilA wonderful reminder that you never know how your smile and kind words can bring joy to another!
Posted at 13:40h, 04 AprilSo true! We can touch others with our words and actions. A smile can bring joy! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Lynn J Simpson
Posted at 15:54h, 04 AprilGratitude is joyous!
Posted at 16:09h, 04 AprilAmen. Have a blessed day Lynn! 🙂
Posted at 17:21h, 04 AprilI love when we get to enjoy these shared moments of human expression with a stranger. What a blessing.
Posted at 17:57h, 04 AprilYes, I agree, a blessing. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Posted at 18:00h, 04 AprilIts really a wonderful one..Sharing the Joy of yours with others and at the same times a true message.We can expect the joy of love in various situations..Its all actually planned and executed beautifully by our dear Lord.
Posted at 21:05h, 04 AprilAmen. He gives us many ways to share His love and joy. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Invisibly Me
Posted at 20:07h, 04 AprilOh no, I did leave a comment on this the other day but it’s not here. I saved it just incase as it didn’t stick – it may be in your WP spam folder, so apologies if you now have this twice! :
I love coupons! And an ice-cream social? They don’t do that kind of thing in the UK, I wish they did! This is such a lovely thing to share, a reminder of the small things and how they can lift the spirits of others, even if it’s just a smile or a few kind words, and how it’s important to breathe and appreciate the goodness when you’re in a situation that you could otherwise be consumed with and become grouchy and grumpy by.
Share a smile, that should be a motto for everyone I think, the world would be that bit brighter for it 🙂
Caz xx
Stephen De La Vega
Posted at 22:06h, 04 AprilI love little blessings like this. It makes life more pleasant, and we can all use a little more pleasantness, can’t we? Of course, we see things like this as God’s droplets of blessings. And we can be His vehicle for these blessings, too. Thank you, Mimi, for this bit of joy.
Posted at 22:09h, 04 AprilThank you Stephen. I love how your comment “God’s droplets of blessings”. What a beautiful image! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Afi Pittman
Posted at 01:30h, 05 AprilJoy is contagious. Thank you for this reminder to find joy in small moments in everyday life.
Posted at 12:52h, 05 AprilYou are welcome. I agree. We can find joy in small moments, too. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Melissa McLaughlin
Posted at 18:46h, 05 AprilOh, I love this real life story of simple joy, in the grocery store line! Thank you for sharing this, so I can try to visualize this lovely man, next time I’m in line!
Posted at 11:59h, 07 AprilSharing conversation with this gentleman was a blessing. Have a wonderful day! 🙂
Posted at 22:58h, 05 AprilWhat a wonderful divine encounter, maybe orchestrated by God himself, during your everyday routine in life. We often miss out on the kind of joy this man displayed. Thanks for sharing!
Posted at 11:59h, 07 AprilI pray we all pause and notice the great joy God provides in simple things. Have a wonderful day! 🙂
Invisibly Me
Posted at 19:56h, 07 AprilHey lovely. I tried to leave this comment before but it didn’t ‘stick’, it may have gone to your junk/spam folder… I’ll send it again just in case!
“I love coupons! And an ice-cream social? They don’t do that kind of thing in the UK, I wish they did! This is such a lovely thing to share, a reminder of the small things and how they can lift the spirits of others, even if it’s just a smile or a few kind words, and how it’s important to breathe and appreciate the goodness when you’re in a situation that you could otherwise be consumed with and become grouchy and grumpy by.
Share a smile, that should be a motto for everyone I think, the world would be that bit brighter for it 🙂
Caz xx”
Melissa Henderson
Posted at 17:41h, 13 April🙂 I think I found the problem with the posts. Thank you for your help.
Sydney Meek
Posted at 22:24h, 10 AprilWhat a sweet story! The joy of Jesus is truly infections. Thanks for sharing this! ❤️
Melissa Henderson
Posted at 22:29h, 10 AprilThank you for reading and commenting. Have a joyful, blessed evening! 🙂
Posted at 18:54h, 16 AprilWhat a difference a cheerful heart makes. Enjoyed your story, Melissa.
Posted at 19:44h, 16 AprilThank you. Have a blessed day! 🙂