Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Flying turkey sandwich… oops!!!

Eating healthy is a good thing for body and soul. Today, I made a delicious heated sandwich. Two slices of five grain bread, sliced turkey, provolone cheese and some craisins sprinkled inside to melt and give a hint of sweetness. Β Yummy to the tummy!

Spreading a little butter in the pan, I assembled the ingredients, turned on the heat and waited for the cheese to begin melting. I prepared to adorn a white plate with my wonderful creation. Patience is required when cooking. No high heat or the sandwich would burn.

A few minutes passed. I turned the bread from one side to the other. Yes, this was looking better with each flip of the sandwich. Browning nicely on both sides.

Now was the time to turn off the burner and transfer the food to the waiting plate.

Hmm… maybe I should cut the sandwich in half while it is in the pan. Yes, I used the spatula and attempted to create two sections. Melting cheese began flowing from between the slices of bread.

OOPS!!!! While cutting the beautiful creation in half, one side became a little too slippery and went flying through the air. What a sight!!! One half of my delicious sandwich surfed the frying pan, scooped up like a surfer on a wave and went flying across the counter. Slap, it hit the side of the refrigerator and slid from top to bottom leaving cheese the whole way down.

Splat!! Landing on the kitchen floor, my first instinct for the food I had craved so badly was, “Hey, there’s the 5 second rule. I could pick it up real quick and still eat it.”

No, that would not make sense, especially if I ended up eating some yucky germ and became sick.

Oh, well!! After a few seconds of disappointment, I laughed aloud.

“Lord, I guess I wasn’t supposed to eat a whole sandwich today. Maybe all my body needs is one half.”

I ate the delicious half and that was all I needed to be full.

Tomorrow is another day and there is more turkey and cheese in the refrigerator. Maybe I will try again.

Have you ever experienced something as silly as a flying sandwich? If so, do you think there was a message from God in the mishap? I believe God sends us nudges and messages in many different ways. Today, my message came in the form of a flying turkey sandwich.

Enjoy a blessed week,

  • Emily Saxe | To Unearth
    Posted at 14:05h, 19 February Reply

    I agree that God sends us messages and truths to learn in different, somewhat “ordinary” ways each day. Thanks for sharing what you learned with us!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:06h, 19 February Reply

      Thank you Emily. I have already felt some nudges from God this morning. πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful day!

      • Emily Saxe | To Unearth
        Posted at 18:46h, 22 February Reply

        That’s one of the reasons I love starting my day with Him – those nudges of wisdom we can treasure for our entire day!

  • ilooktojesus
    Posted at 14:15h, 19 February Reply

    This was hilarious, I had a great laugh: β€œHey, there’s the 5 second rule. I could pick it up real quick and still eat it.” Seriously speaking however, this was amazing. Almost confirmation-like. I just read one of our sister’s posts on over-indulging the body when it comes to food yesterday, and now this. Makes me take a longer look at myself and what the Lord has been showing me over food, too. Thank you for the laugh and the sobering warning!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:27h, 19 February Reply

      Thank you for reading and commenting. I love laughter. I know God is sending me messages about a lot of things and my eating habits is one of those things. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed day!

  • Shepherdess for the King
    Posted at 14:29h, 19 February Reply

    I had a good chuckle whilst reading this. I love how God speaks to us all in different ways, including flying sandwiches. Have a very blessed day.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:32h, 19 February Reply

      I agree. God speaks to us in different ways. I am going to try to make another turkey sandwich today. We’ll see what happens. haha! Have a blessed day!

  • Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden
    Posted at 15:06h, 19 February Reply

    Aww you make me feel so normal. Half my day can be spent cleaning up my own messes. This morning it was a flying egg that landed in a mess back in the fridge. I didn’t think about a message to go with that but you may be right. I think he is watching our reactions sometimes in little mishaps. Testing us a little.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 15:13h, 19 February Reply

      A flying egg? Oh my! I had to laugh out loud. We have so much in common. hahaha! Have a blessed day!

  • Carol Souders
    Posted at 15:57h, 19 February Reply

    Funny story – reminds me of times I’ve experienced but won’t go into detail. Brought a smile to my face. Thanks!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 17:35h, 19 February Reply

      Glad to bring a smile to you. πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful day! πŸ™‚

  • Beth Bingaman
    Posted at 16:32h, 19 February Reply

    Funny. Thanks for the laugh and the reminder that the Lord is in everything.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 17:50h, 19 February Reply

      You are welcome! Glad to make you smile today. Yes, the Lord is in everything, even flying turkey sandwiches. Have a great day!

  • Joey
    Posted at 16:58h, 19 February Reply

    I love this post! I haven’t experienced a flying turkey sandwich (yet!), but I have had my share of mishaps and messes in the kitchen…especially when I cook rice…it goes everywhere! I think God wants me to slow down. Or maybe He’s reminding me how good it is to just laugh at my own mistakes instead of taking them so seriously. πŸ™‚

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 17:51h, 19 February Reply

      Yes, I agree that God wants me to slow down, too. I love being able to laugh at my own mishaps. πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful day!

      • Joey
        Posted at 18:00h, 19 February Reply

        Thanks, Melissa! You have a wonderful day as well.

  • Afi Pittman
    Posted at 17:10h, 19 February Reply

    That looks and sounds really good. I’ll have to see if I can find a vegan/no what bread and try it.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 21:41h, 19 February Reply

      Just make sure your sandwich doesn’t fly away. haha! Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week!

  • June Foster
    Posted at 17:15h, 19 February Reply

    This is hilarious, Melissa. I wish my big servings of dessert would go flying away.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 17:36h, 19 February Reply

      Hahahaha!!!! Today’s attempt at the turkey sandwich worked out fine. Delicious! Have a great day! πŸ™‚

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 17:58h, 19 February Reply

    Oh dear! That sounded like a great sandwich, too. I once had a hard-boiled egg explode. I found egg for weeks! Gods was reminding me not to leave food unattended. πŸ™‚

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 18:01h, 19 February Reply

      Wow! A hard boiled egg exploding would make a big mess! True, a good reminder to not leave food unattended. Today’s attempt at my turkey sandwich worked well. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed day!

  • nancyehead
    Posted at 18:53h, 19 February Reply

    There’s nothing like a good turkey sandwich with butter. I would have had a hard time not making another sandwich. Great life lesson in a seemingly small event. God bless!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 20:51h, 19 February Reply

      Yes, great life lesson for me. πŸ™‚ Amazing how God can use those small events to teach lessons. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚

  • Jeanne Takenaka
    Posted at 19:20h, 19 February Reply

    I love how you found a life lesson in the comical mishap. πŸ™‚ Your sandwich sounds divine!! I enjoy making popcorn from scratch. But, more often than not, when I clean the kitchen later, I always find kernels that sneaked out of their measuring cup or popped out of the pan. My kids laugh when popcorn pops from the overflowing pan while I’m trying to move some of it into the bowl. And yes, we all try to be the first to grab that warm goodness. πŸ™‚

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 20:52h, 19 February Reply

      Warm popcorn sounds wonderful! I can picture the popcorn overflowing from the pan. Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • David L.
    Posted at 21:20h, 19 February Reply

    I try not to cry over flying sandwiches, but slopping half a plate of spaghetti on the carpet gave me pause.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 21:28h, 19 February Reply

      Yikes!!! I bet that was a mess to clean up. Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Julie Loos
    Posted at 21:42h, 19 February Reply

    Thanks for the laugh and the message!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 21:52h, 19 February Reply

      You are welcome! Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Stephen
    Posted at 22:53h, 19 February Reply

    So your post was very emotional for me, I went from feeling teased with the delicious description of your sandwich, to getting very hungry for one, to laughing out loud in front of my computer!!! That was awesome thanks for this! God Bless

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 23:21h, 19 February Reply

      Thank you Stephen. I am glad I made you laugh and I hope you found a sandwich to eat, too. Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week!

  • Bettie G
    Posted at 23:16h, 19 February Reply

    Thanks for giving us a good laugh at your own expense today! I have certainly had my share of kitchen mishaps too. I’m glad that you were able to find a good lesson in the mix. You helped brighten up my day Melissa. Blessings to you!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 23:22h, 19 February Reply

      Bettie, I hope you are having a wonderful day. I am glad your day was brightened by the post. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Have a blessed week dear friend. πŸ™‚

  • Jessica Brodie
    Posted at 18:06h, 20 February Reply

    Ha, such a cute post! You are right — God knows what we need.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 20:42h, 20 February Reply

      Yes, He does. I need to listen to Him. πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day!

  • Yvonne
    Posted at 18:38h, 20 February Reply

    I loved this. Like many of your blogs, it brought a smile to my face. Sometimes, I think God wants us to be able to laugh at ourselves so it okay with letting such events happen. You had the best response and hopefully I can too next time. Thanks.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 20:43h, 20 February Reply

      Thank you Yvonne. I, too, believe God provides situations so we can laugh at ourselves. Each time I am laughing I am learning. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed day! Thank you for reading and commenting. πŸ™‚

  • Lisa Murray
    Posted at 19:14h, 20 February Reply

    How wonderful to be able to see God in the midst of your circumstances – be they a flying turkey sandwich or whatever else life may bring. How I pray to have a “God-sense” around me, to see Him, thank Him, and experience Him in the little things as well as the big things. Thanks!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 20:49h, 20 February Reply

      Yes, wonderful to see God in things even like a turkey sandwich flying in the air. πŸ™‚ I want to have a “God-sense” around me, too. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚

  • susanslandry
    Posted at 01:07h, 21 February Reply

    Yes! I have experienced similar things. After getting over the initial frustration of food being ‘wasted’, I’m always thankful that God is so kind as to intervene to teach me a lesson in obedience.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 14:11h, 21 February Reply

      I love how we can learn something in every situation. Have a great day! Thanks for reading and commenting. πŸ™‚

  • Michelle Broussard
    Posted at 01:51h, 21 February Reply

    This is funny! I love the ‘5 Second Rule”. I have found that having a dog in the house does not allow for anything to be on the floor more than 5 seconds. Wonderful parable and the sandwhich sounds delish!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 14:14h, 21 February Reply

      A dog would definitely have found the sandwich quickly. haha! Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚

  • Karen
    Posted at 02:06h, 21 February Reply

    Mimi, you had me laughing so hard I almost cried! Hilarious story! Something you wanted so badly literally slipped away and into the trash. I’m just glad that you still had the other half to enjoy. Blessings, sweet friend. xoxo

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 14:12h, 21 February Reply

      Karen, you are so sweet! I tried the next day for another turkey sandwich and all worked out fine. As I was cooking the next sandwich, I was laughing thinking about the one that flew away. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed day dear friend. πŸ™‚ Thank you for reading and commenting.

  • Lisa Quintana
    Posted at 14:19h, 21 February Reply

    Good thing you don’t have a dog! That flying sandwich wouldn’t have lasted a second if a four-legged licker would have been nearby! Ha ha ha…. God does use all things to teach us stuff, to be sure.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 14:24h, 21 February Reply

      So true. We don’t have a dog or that sandwich would have disappeared in a flash. haha! Yes, God teaches us through the simplest of things. Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚

  • stephaniemgammon
    Posted at 22:26h, 21 February Reply

    This is hilarious and I love that you are so God-tuned that you hear from him even in the mishaps.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:28h, 21 February Reply

      Thank you Stephanie. God does give me the most wonderful mishaps. πŸ™‚ I am glad He gives me the ability to laugh at myself. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚

  • Stephen De La Vega
    Posted at 23:08h, 21 February Reply

    Wasn’t there a powdered sugar story some time ago? Maybe God’s message has a bigger picture. πŸ™‚ But certainly I agree that God speaks to us in many ways, one of them being laughable stories like this one. I even wrote about how our circumstances and personal strengths and interests help us understand what God is trying to say to us. Totally on board with that concept. God bless you as you prepare your next lunch.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 23:42h, 21 February Reply

      hahaha! You have a great memory! Yes, I had an incident with powdered sugar. I really need to be more careful in the kitchen. πŸ™‚ Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed evening!

  • karentfriday
    Posted at 00:05h, 22 February Reply

    Ha ha! You have such a way in writing to really pull the reader into your story, Melissa. I envision the entire thing as if you painted it on a canvas. Although who would want to buy or hang the picture of a sandwich sliding down the fridge. πŸ™‚ But you are gifted at that.

    By the way, now every time my grandson Foster spends the night, he brings Licky the Lizard book with him for bedtime.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 02:05h, 22 February Reply

      Karen, you are so kind!!!! I am glad Foster likes Licky the Lizard. How sweet!!! Thank you for your encouragement and support. Have a great evening! πŸ™‚

  • Savoring Sixty and Beyond
    Posted at 15:50h, 22 February Reply

    I just love God’s sense of humor sometimes! Cute story and delicious sounding sandwich!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 15:59h, 22 February Reply

      Thank you. Yes, delicious sandwich. Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚

  • Melissa McLaughlin
    Posted at 23:52h, 22 February Reply

    You gave me a good laugh here! Thank you! Enjoying a snafu and asking God how to learn from it is such a wonderful attitude! Great story with a great message! Sounded like a delicious sandwich by the way!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 23:58h, 22 February Reply

      Hello Melissa. Yes, the sandwich was delicious. I made another one the next day and all worked out fine. I love how God gives us opportunities to laugh at ourselves. Have a blessed weekend! πŸ™‚

  • Christina
    Posted at 03:43h, 23 February Reply

    I love your attitude – you always seem to hold so loosely to things and not let the little mishaps frazzle you. I doubt I would have reacted w/ a laugh myself… maybe someday! God has more work to do with me yet.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:16h, 23 February Reply

      Thank you for your kind words Christina! πŸ™‚ There are times when I can laugh at myself and other times I get frustrated with myself. Most times, laughter wins. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed weekend! Thanks for reading and commenting.

  • Gayl
    Posted at 18:27h, 23 February Reply

    Just picturing that half sandwich flying through the air and sliding down the fridge brought a smile to my face. ) Thanks for brightening my day! Seriously, though, I do think God uses these things to teach us lessons if we will only listen. Often when things like your sandwich episode happen to me my first thought is to be frustrated and angry. But I’m learning to laugh instead and remember God is with me. Blessings to you, Melissa!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 23:05h, 23 February Reply

      Thank you for reading and commenting Gayl. Yes, I believe God uses all kinds of mishaps to give me joy and the ability to laugh at myself. God is so good. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed weekend!

  • ordinarilyextraordinarymom
    Posted at 02:20h, 26 February Reply

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I certainly believe that God sends me specific and intentional signs, and He makes sure I don’t miss them. I have not, however, encountered a flying sandwich as one of them. I think I would have picked it up and eaten it germs and all πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:51h, 26 February Reply

      I was truly tempted to eat that sandwich. haha! I did enjoy another full sandwich the next day. πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day!

  • Invisibly Me
    Posted at 04:33h, 27 February Reply

    I would have anticipated a melted mess sticking to the pan when cutting it in half inside the pan, but flying through the air? Hahah, that sandwich really wanted to escape from being eaten that day! xx

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 15:37h, 27 February Reply

      Haha! Yes, I think that sandwich wanted to escape. πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful day! Thanks for reading and commenting.

  • Lynn J Simpson
    Posted at 17:20h, 27 February Reply

    Haha! Those mishaps make for great writing material too! Thanks for the smile today!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 17:31h, 27 February Reply

      Yes, those mishaps make for great writing material. haha! Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day!

  • Elizabeth Whitley
    Posted at 02:58h, 12 March Reply

    I love this! It’s a great reminder that lessons can be learned through the simplest moments in our day to day lives!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:10h, 12 March Reply

      Very true. Lessons can be learned at any time. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed week!

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