Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Love notes and “That smells good!”

Birthdays in our home are celebrated in sweet, unique ways. On the night before a birthday is celebrated, love notes are placed all around the house. These notes are taped to places like the front door, refrigerator door, remote control, bathroom mirror and other places the birthday person will be sure to find them. Messages saying, “I love you!”, “I’m proud of you!”, “You are the best!”, “I am thankful for you!” and other encouraging words are found handwritten on various sizes of paper.

The note placer makes sure the birthday person is asleep, or pretending to be asleep, and begins placing the notes the night before the big day. Each individual note is taped with care and love. The next morning, excitement fills the air while notes are found in different and unexpected places.

On September 25th, I woke up and began finding my special treasure notes. Happiness and joy filled my heart with each discovery. I knew my husband had taken time to create each handwritten note and to show his love for me.

Walking into our kitchen, I noticed a long stemmed red rose sitting on the kitchen island, with a note next to the beauty. Carefully, I reached for the stem, trying not to get stuck by any prickly thorns. Placing the soft rose petals under my nose, I said, “That smells good!”

My husband grinned from ear to ear. “Dear, you know that is an artificial rose, don’t you?”

I did not have my glasses on yet and the rose appeared real to me. I even thought I could smell the scent of the flower. Silly me!

We both laughed. Realizing I didn’t have to worry about thorns anymore, I held the rose close and smiled. The red rose now sits in a tall glass vase on a table in the dining room. The beauty of the flower can be enjoyed forever. I’m glad the rose is artificial.

Have you written any love notes lately? Have you shared with someone how much you love them? Today is the day to share love. God loves you and shows His love in every moment. Pause and notice the blessings He has provided today. From love notes, to artificial roses, to giggles, to hugs and more….

Have a blessed week,

P.S. Have you purchased your copy of my new children’s book “Licky the Lizard”?

Melissa Henderson, Author

Amazon link to “Licky the Lizard”
Facebook: Melissa Henderson, Author
Pinterest : Melissa Henderson
  • Carol Souders
    Posted at 13:11h, 01 October Reply

    such sweet moments – truly from the heart

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:16h, 01 October Reply

      Yes, special moments are treasures. 🙂 Have a blessed week!

  • Gail Johnson
    Posted at 13:27h, 01 October Reply

    Good morning, Mimi. Hope your day was all you wanted it to be. Happy birthday.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:29h, 01 October Reply

      Thank you Gail. Sept. 25th was a great day! 🙂

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 13:34h, 01 October Reply

    I enjoyed this, Melissa. Actually, I write a love note each morning before heading out to work. Happy belated birthday!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:36h, 01 October Reply

      Jill, how special! A wonderful way to start the day and show someone how much they are loved. Thanks for sharing this idea! 🙂

      • Jill Weatherholt
        Posted at 13:40h, 01 October Reply

        Growing up, mother used to put love notes in my lunch box. 🙂

        • Melissa Henderson
          Posted at 13:44h, 01 October Reply

          Precious! We never know how a simple love note can affect the lives of others. 🙂

  • Kimberly Rose Johnson
    Posted at 13:53h, 01 October Reply

    What a special tradition. I love it.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:54h, 01 October Reply

      🙂 The simplest acts are the most special. 🙂

  • Savoring Sixty and Beyond
    Posted at 14:02h, 01 October Reply

    What a precious tradition! I hope the rest of your birthday was just as special!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 14:47h, 01 October Reply

      Thank you. Yes, my birthday was very special! 🙂

  • Lily Pierce
    Posted at 15:27h, 01 October Reply

    What a cute idea! ♥

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 15:31h, 01 October Reply

      We’ve been married for over 39 years and still write love notes. 🙂

  • Scott Osgood
    Posted at 16:37h, 01 October Reply

    I really enjoyed reading this sweet post. Thanks for the reminder that being intentional with showing or communicating our love is so important. Happy belated Birthday Melissa. God bless!!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 16:40h, 01 October Reply

      Thank you! Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Michelle Kaderly Welsh
    Posted at 18:24h, 01 October Reply

    What a great idea! Happy birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful day and now have a rose that will last for a long time, bringing memories with it each time you look at it.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 20:10h, 01 October Reply

      Love notes and a rose! A wonderful birthday! 🙂 Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • dscales24
    Posted at 20:38h, 01 October Reply

    What a fabulous birthday tradition! The artificial rose smelled good because it had the aroma of love attached to it!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 22:01h, 01 October Reply

      Yes, I believe the rose had an aroma of love. 🙂 Have a blessed week!

  • Cathe Swanson
    Posted at 21:58h, 01 October Reply

    That’s a delightful birthday tradition. <3

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 22:01h, 01 October Reply

      I love traditions and this is one of my favorite. 🙂 Have a blessed week!

  • Heather Hart
    Posted at 14:53h, 02 October Reply

    It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! It sounds like you have an amazing way to celebrate.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 14:57h, 02 October Reply

      Thank you Heather. Each birthday is special. 🙂 Hope you enjoy a blessed week! 🙂

  • Stephen De La Vega
    Posted at 15:48h, 02 October Reply

    This is special. My wife’s birthday is tomorrow and I was planning to give her a gift and a simple note. I think I’ll wrote a little more now. Thank you.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 15:52h, 02 October Reply

      Happy Birthday to your wife! 🙂 Special notes truly touch the heart.

  • nancyehead
    Posted at 16:57h, 02 October Reply

    I love that every family can create such moments by doing that special thing that they choose. A first day of school breakfast. A birthday tradition. Whatever we do to celebrate the other person and let them know we love them. So wonderful. So good. God bless!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 16:58h, 02 October Reply

      I agree. We need to celebrate each other. Let people know they are loved by God and by us. 🙂

  • June Foster
    Posted at 19:47h, 02 October Reply

    I love this family custom for birthdays. I couldn’t help but smile when you told the story about smelling an artificial rose.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 21:21h, 02 October Reply

      June, special traditions like love notes can truly make us smile. 🙂 Have a blessed week!

  • Sydney Meek
    Posted at 22:08h, 02 October Reply

    I really enjoyed this post! Little traditions always make the sweetest memories. Happy belated birthday! Thanks for sharing this special post.

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 22:13h, 02 October Reply

      Thank you. Yes, the little traditions can make the sweetest memories. 🙂

  • Karen
    Posted at 01:20h, 03 October Reply

    Happy Birthday, Mimi! What a lovely tradition you have. For me, I used to draw little hearts and write love notes to my daughters when I packed their school lunches. The kids at the lunch table always wanted to see the day’s message, so the napkin was more on display that used, lol. Then these past two weeks, my daughter Meg has been staying with me due to smoke damage at her condo she rents, and again I packed her lunch for school–but now she’s a teacher! The other teachers on her team enjoyed looking at her napkin to see the hearts and messages. Such fun!

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:01h, 03 October Reply

      What a sweet idea to place notes for your daughter! Even as adults, notes are special ways to show love. 🙂

  • karentfriday
    Posted at 01:49h, 03 October Reply

    Hope your birthday was great. You shared a whole new meaning to the term, “Stop and smell the roses.” 🙂

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:01h, 03 October Reply

      Thank you Karen. The birthday was wonderful! 🙂

  • Invisibly Me
    Posted at 03:25h, 03 October Reply

    Oh no, I tried to leave a comment before a few days ago and it came up with an error. I’m not sure whether it was sent (and maybe went to spam?) or not, so I’m trying again today!
    I’d basically said something along the lines of how beautiful that idea is, to leave notes for birthdays; it’s so much more personal and meaningful, and counts for (I think) more than a store-bought gift when it comes from the heart. So sweet! And a huge (and sadly, I’m sorry, belated) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you had a lovely day, Mimi  ♥🌷
    Caz xxxxx

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:02h, 03 October Reply

      You are so sweet! Thank you for the birthday greetings. The day was very special. 🙂

  • twelve2nds
    Posted at 08:52h, 03 October Reply

    I love this idea! I’m totally stealing this. I have not been as good about love notes since I got married. It’s definitely a point of growth for me. Also, your memory of a rose’s smell must have been triggered by the sight of it. I think it’s totally legit that you smelled a fake rose 😀

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:13h, 03 October Reply

      Yes, please use this idea! 🙂 A simple love note can make a person so happy! 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  • Edna Davidsen
    Posted at 12:06h, 03 October Reply

    Dear Melissa!

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday 🙂

    With love!
    Edna Davidsen

    • Melissa Henderson
      Posted at 13:02h, 03 October Reply

      Thank you Edna! The day was very special. 🙂

  • Lynn J Simpson
    Posted at 13:33h, 05 October Reply

    That is such a wonderful tradition! Happy belated birthday. And keep smelling the roses even in your imagination. 🙂

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:44h, 05 October Reply

      Thank you Lynn. This was a wonderful birthday! 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!

  • Christy Williams
    Posted at 22:37h, 07 October Reply

    Too funny Melissa!! I cracked up when you siad it was not a real rose!! This was a great reminder of the profound impact of kind deeds. May we all follow suit. Thanks for sharing😊

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:46h, 07 October Reply

      Glad the post made you laugh. 🙂 Have a wonderful, blessed week! 🙂

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