Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Tick Tock's Bigger Brother…

Weather in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina has been gorgeous recently. Bright sunshine and warm temperatures cause our bodies to call out for sunscreen. Snapdragons are blooming, yellow and purple pansies adorn entrances to neighborhoods while red and pink flowers on bushes are bursting forth with color and fragrance. The sights are amazing along our walking route.
One of the most amazing sights came last week when we were unexpectedly close to a large creature… yes, an alligator.
Our family vacationed on Isle of Palms for a few years. Signs are placed in several areas warning people not to feed the alligators. The first year we stayed at IOP, our family discovered an alligator in a small body of water near the hotel. Curiosity got to us every time we were outside.
“Let’s look for the alligator” was often exclaimed by one or more person in our family. Our nieces, Peyton and Paige, gave him a name. “Tick Tock”. They were glad to tell their younger brother, Ryder, all about the alligator.
Ever since that first sighting, we always say, “Let’s look for Tick Tock, the alligator.” He’s almost always found in the water or sunning himself on the land by the creek. We follow the rules and leave “Tick Tock” alone and he seems fine being a celebrity. He doesn’t want to be bothered and we respect his wish.
Our own neighborhood is known to have alligators in the ponds, too. Last week, while taking our evening walk, Alan and I noticed a few people standing behind a gate to the neighborhood pool, taking photos of “something”. Ahh….. a rather large alligator. Lots of folks, including us, stopped to wonder at this large gator.
After gasping and saying, “Oh, my. He’s big!” and sharing conversation with other folks amazed by the gator, and taking photos, we continued with our walk. After completing the route to our destination, we turned to head back home.
Walking on the designated paved path while glancing at the area where we had seen the gator, I commented, “Where’s the gator? I guess he went in the water. I don’t see him anywhere.”
Alan responded calmly, “Dear, you don’t see him over on the other side of the pond because he is right here on this side now.”
YIKES!!! The huge gator was on our side of the pond and way closer to us than I wanted. Immediately, I suggested firmly that we keep walking. Of course, Alan wanted to take a few photos. Yes, I walked away at a brisk pace and Alan stopped and snapped photos of the alligator.
This alligator is bigger than “Tick Tock” so we have decided to name him “Tick Tock’s Bigger Brother”.  Fine with me if I don’t see him again. I just hope he stays on the other side of the pond. 🙂
As I have mentioned before, God gives us amazing experiences to enjoy each day. Take a walk and let us know what you find in your neighborhood.

  • Kimberly Rose Johnson
    Posted at 14:57h, 26 February Reply

    Yikes! I would have been so scared. I’ve heard that they move very fast.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 15:09h, 26 February Reply

      Yes, I was scared. I am glad that one wasn’t “on the move”. 🙂

  • Carol Souders
    Posted at 17:01h, 26 February Reply

    You have a very interesting life! BE SAFE!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 17:18h, 26 February Reply

      Yes, lots happening here in SC. Come visit when you can. 🙂

  • June Foster
    Posted at 18:43h, 26 February Reply

    Stay out of that creature’s way!!
    I had a close encountered with an alligator once while in Titusville. FL. My friend Fay Lamb took me sightseeing. We were driving in a wildlife preserve and got out of the car to explore. Fay hollered for me to get back in. I came within ten feet of a mean looking alligator – too close for my peace of mind.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 20:16h, 26 February Reply

      OH my goodness! That is scary June!!

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 19:56h, 26 February Reply

    Ack! He’s a big one! Stay safe.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 20:15h, 26 February Reply

      Jill, this photo is not the actual alligator we saw, but the photo looks like him. 🙂 Too big to be so close! 🙂

  • Liz
    Posted at 00:39h, 27 February Reply

    Thankfully, no alligators where I live. 🙂

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:32h, 27 February Reply

      That’s good news! We are learning about all kinds of wildlife in SC. 🙂

      • Liz
        Posted at 13:36h, 27 February Reply

        The closest I have been to any wild animal, was a fox and closer a hedgehog. I was only a meter away when I made eye contact with the fox as it crossed my path. It was so magical and I will never forget.

  • readywriterbr
    Posted at 01:25h, 27 February Reply

    Like you, Mimi, I would have been out of there as quickly as possible. Hope that never happens to us here, but there have been alligators sited in this area.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:30h, 27 February Reply

      Yes, we always have to be on the “lookout” for gators. 🙂 and snakes, too.

  • baybillups
    Posted at 20:22h, 27 February Reply

    Snakes too?? I would keel over at the sight of a snake. I’m terrified of them. You are quite brave

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 20:48h, 27 February Reply

      Bay, I am not brave at at all. haha! I am scared of all those kind of creatures.

  • Karen
    Posted at 22:29h, 27 February Reply

    I love this story, Mimi. My parents used to live on a golf course in Florida where an alligator would sun itself near a pond. 😳

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 00:50h, 28 February Reply

      I never thought we would live so close to alligators. Very exciting and scary, too! 🙂

  • Sandra Ardoin
    Posted at 13:28h, 28 February Reply

    Yipes!! No thanks, though I think Mount Pleasant is a wonderful place to visit.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:49h, 28 February Reply

      Nice place to visit and now that we live here, we are truly learning about the area.Very interesting. 🙂

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