Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Azaleas, tulips, daffodils and more…

Achoo!!! Achoo!!!! Just a moment. Here comes another one!! Achoo!!!!
Yes, the time of year has arrived when pollen is covering the cars, window screens and deck furniture. There is a foggy mist of yellow floating in the air. Spring is full of new life.
Azaleas begin to burst open with bright colors of red, purple and pink. Tulips are standing tall side by side each morning waiting to open and share their beautiful colors. Yellow daffodils pop up in flower beds and beckon to be picked to adorn a glass vase.
Wonderful signs of life and changing seasons. Thank You Lord.
Have you taken a walk lately? What change of season wonders have you noticed? I love the flowers. Such beauty.
Then, of course, this means the lizards are back climbing up and down the bricks on the front of the house and jaunting here and there on the back deck.  Sorry, but I don’t care for lizards. Maybe one day I won’t dislike them so much.
Achoo!!! Achoo!!! A few more sneezes. I hope I don’t accidentally wash any tissues in the washing machine. That makes a mess. Oh, well…. “It’s Always A Story With The Henderson’s”.
Blessings, Spring flowers and giggles,

  • Gail Johnson
    Posted at 01:05h, 05 April Reply

    I enjoy the flowers. So much life after months of gray. Happy spring, dear friend!

  • andycarmichaelblog
    Posted at 15:49h, 05 April Reply

    Ahh, spring! All creation speaks His name! ❤

  • June Foster
    Posted at 00:37h, 06 April Reply

    Melissa, you have such a sweet authorial voice. I agree, I don’t like lizards either. When we were in our house before we sold it, I had a lizard upstairs and killed it, but my friends at church said I should’ve put it outside.!! Love you azalea picture.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 01:16h, 06 April Reply

      Thank you June. I appreciate your encouragement. 🙂

  • Cristina
    Posted at 10:17h, 06 April Reply

    Autumm here (Fall…😊) one of my favourite seasons, the countryside is ablaze with colour in autumn, beautiful colours. Love your Azalea, gorgeous!! I have a few in my patio waiting for Spring. 😊

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:38h, 06 April Reply

      Autumn is one of my favorites, too. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Wendy L. Macdonald
    Posted at 16:44h, 06 April Reply

    Beautiful azalea, Melissa. I’m still waiting for mine to bloom. Gardens are at their finest in spring—but not our sinuses. 🙂
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:41h, 07 April Reply

      Love how azaleas bloom at different times in different areas. Such glorious colors! 🙂 Blessings to you, too, Wendy.

  • Candace Playforth
    Posted at 22:28h, 06 April Reply

    My favorite part of spring is the beautiful blooming flowers. They are so uplifting. But I’m with you on the sneezing ;). My allergies are already gearing up!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:42h, 07 April Reply

      Allergies are no fun. I do enjoy all the beautiful colors of the flowers. 🙂

  • Carol Souders
    Posted at 14:05h, 07 April Reply

    Enjoy your blog so much. Keep up the good work.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:42h, 07 April Reply

      Thank you for reading and commenting Carol Souders. I appreciate your support. 🙂

  • Stephanie L. Robertson
    Posted at 19:42h, 09 May Reply

    Flonase works wonders for those of us in the Valley of the Allergies–near Huntsville, Alabama. I found out that I’ve been taking it wrong for years. Rather than inhaling the stuff, sending it down the throat and out of my system, I found out that you squirt the stuff in your nose, so it stays where it belongs. Ohhhhhhhhhh….So that’s why my doc keeps prescribing it! 😉

  • usathroughoureyes
    Posted at 11:24h, 17 May Reply

    Certainly can relate to the sneezes but aren’t they worth it when we see the beauty of spring with its tapestry of flowers.

  • RobbyeFaye
    Posted at 14:30h, 22 May Reply

    Isn’t spring a wonderful time of year? I missed a lot of the flowers this year, but the green abounding is beautiful, too.
    Sorry about your allergies, I seem to suffer with them year round!

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