Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Fun with neighbors

Tuesday evening, National Night Out was held in communities across the country. Our neighborhood held a wonderful, family friendly event at the pool, including various booths from local businesses. Games were played, water bottles were handed out to anyone who wanted one, there were food trucks with delicious items for dinner,  homemade popsicles, the local fire department brought the big truck and people could look inside and visit with the fire department personnel, the local Sheriff Dept. visited and even the Crime dog made an appearance. A special demonstration by the scuba diver from the police dept. was very interesting and the kids loved seeing the guy in all his equipment. The local news crew even filmed live reports during the evening. Prizes, swimming, games, dinner, family fun and so much more.
We are blessed to live in such a wonderful neighborhood. New houses have been built and that means new people to meet. Families getting to know each other and children finding new friends.
I noticed so many blessings that evening. Blessings of old friends, new friends, laughter from all ages, good food, lifeguards who constantly monitor the pool, volunteers who make the event a success, sponsors, the news crew and the police and fire department. I watched as representatives from each organization interacted with all ages. Corn hole, hula hoops, and mini golf, were just some of the games played.
I sat in a chair by the pool, watching the people around me and I said, “Thank you, Lord, for all these blessings.”
Did you participate in National Night Out? Or do you have a neighborhood where you can show God’s love to others? Remember, when you are outside taking a walk, or just standing in your yard, a simple “Hello” and a smile, to your neighbor can make all the difference in their day and your day, too. 🙂
Have a blessed day and show some love with a smile,

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 15:30h, 05 August Reply

    Yes! The outing were all over Charlotte. It’s such a wonderful thing.

  • Christine
    Posted at 20:13h, 05 August Reply

    Sounds like a fun time!!

  • Heather C. King
    Posted at 16:36h, 06 August Reply

    I’ve never heard of National Night Out before, but it sounds super fun!!

  • Melissa
    Posted at 16:45h, 06 August Reply

    Heather, the event is held across the USA. Everyone is supposed to leave their porch light on and go out and get to know their neighbors. Lots of great events in neighborhoods are also held across the country. Hope you can find an event next year. 🙂

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