Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

This is why I pack extra stuff for a trip

A few weeks ago, hubby and I traveled back to the city we lived in for 19 years. We went back to attend the memorial service for a dear friend. We had not returned to that place in since we left about 8 years ago. Lots of great memories and sad memories, too, from the 19 years there.
We knew going to the memorial service would be hard, because we loved our dear friend so much. His wife, Carol,  is one of my best buddies. Often times, we shared “George” stories or “Alan” stories. We would call each other on the phone and say “Hey, I’ve got a story for you. Guess what he did now?” Always funny stories and always light hearted fun from our husbands.
In preparing for the day trip, I packed a small travel bag with extra shoes, extra shirts for both Alan and me(yes, because we are known to spill food on us at any time) and other extra “stuff”. While packing the car for the day trip, Alan asked me, “Why are you packing so much stuff? We are only going for the day.”
Ah….. Mimi knows best. We arrived to the church parking lot. I had worn my tennis shoes for the trip, so, I proceeded to get out of the car, and change into my dress shoes for the memorial service. As I was changing shoes, friends came to welcome us back and give hugs. As we chatted and walked across the parking lot , I stepped on to the grass and thought, “Wow, I must have stepped in some clumps of grass because my shoe feels weird.”  No way. I looked down at my shoes and one of my shoes was falling apart, right there in the  parking lot. Say WHAT????? Alan and I looked at each other, laughed, and walked back to the car for me to get my “extra” pair of shoes that I had packed. Yes, I did.
I changed shoes, and we went into the church. Later that day, Alan said that he would never again ask why I pack so much extra “stuff” for a trip.
We cherish the memories we have of our friend George, and we cherish the continued friendship of his wife, Carol. They both have touched our lives in wonderful ways. In fact, their whole family has touched our hearts in special ways.
So, remember, if you ever have the thought of packing “extra” stuff for a trip, do it. You just might need those shoes, or shirts or pants. Life is fun and you never know what will happen.
Remember our family motto continues to be “It’s Always A Story With The Henderson’s.”
Blessings and giggles,

  • shannan williams
    Posted at 03:58h, 31 May Reply

    Awww so sorry about your loss. This was a pretty funny story though. And it’s a good things you are a thinker and pack extra stuff!! I will hopefully remember this 🙂

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:36h, 31 May Reply

      Thank you so much for reading my little blog. 🙂

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