Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

11 years and yes, I am celebrating

February 15, 2005 was a day that forever changed my life. I had been for a routine mammogram the week before and received a call back. I was told that something was wrong with the machine and another picture was needed. Okay, I can do that.
During the followup mammogram, I was asked to go to another room for a further image. Oh, okay, I can do that. As the image was appearing on the computer screen, the nice technician went from smiling and joking to total silence. “Excuse me, Mrs. Henderson, I will be right back. One of the radiologists needs to speak with you.” As I was lying there, all sorts of crazy thoughts entered my mind. “I don’t have time for this. I need to go home.” Then, the nice radiologist came in and gave me the news that he saw something very suspicious that needed to be checked immediately. “Please contact your physician as soon as possible.” Still, my thought was, Okay, I can do that.
A call to my doctor gave me nothing but anger and frustration. I was told that the doctor was on vacation, I couldn’t be seen for about 2 weeks, then, maybe a biopsy would take another two weeks, and results may be another two weeks. Since my Mother had previously had breast cancer, I knew this line of thinking was not acceptable.
So, I called my Mother’s cancer surgeon and explained the situation. Their response was, “Can you come in tomorrow?” Yes, yes, I can do that.
A visit to the surgeon, a biopsy and a lot of great information was the response from this doctor. She said, “I will call you as soon as I have the results.”
Valentine’s Day came a few days later and even though I wanted to know the biopsy outcome, I was hoping she wouldn’t call on Valentine’s Day. She didn’t. This wonderful, caring, compassionate doctor didn’t want to give me the news on that special day either. She waited until February 15th and called.
I was getting ready to take a shower, just clad in a big towel, when the phone rang. I took the phone and waited…. She explained everything and then said those words no one wants to hear. “I’m sorry, but, it is cancer. You would never have felt a lump. The area is on your chest wall. Thank goodness you got your mammogram.”
I fell to my knees, towel around me and wept. My husband came to my side and held me, as we got information on how to proceed next. Surgery was scheduled and life was forever changed. My lymph nodes were involved and had to be removed. This whole process would begin with a mammogram, proceed to more images taken, biopsy, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and years of “anti-cancer” medicine. Oh, okay, I can do that.
And…. I did all of that with God, the help and love of my family and friends and people that I don’t even know who prayed for me. My surgeon, my medical oncologist and staff and my radiation oncologist and staff are the most amazing people I have ever met. Their care and genuine concern for me and my family helped us more than they will ever know.
I keep thinking about when I heard the word “cancer”, I was only wearing a towel. I was not covered by any artificial clothing as the towel fell around me as I fell to my knees. This is how we come to God, just ourselves and no artificial outerwear. He knows our hearts and he cleanses us with His love and mercy.
There are so many memories from 11 years ago. Some people will remember the events one way and some will remember another way. That is alright. God knows how we need to deal with each situation.
Please get your mammogram. DON’T DELAY!!  Yes, that’s my firm voice.
I am forever thankful to each and every one of you who impact my life. 11 Years Breast Cancer Survivor and yes, I am celebrating………
Blessings and love,

  • Sue H Key
    Posted at 21:09h, 15 February Reply

    Melissa, this is so beautifully written! Makes me cry (And yes I recently got a mammogram.)
    Sue Key

  • Christine
    Posted at 22:06h, 15 February Reply

    So beautiful!

  • Draw Out Your Faith
    Posted at 00:11h, 16 February Reply

    Praise the Lord on your healing and continued prayers for a future abundant in the blessings you provide all of us who know you! Love you!!!

  • Melissa Henderson
    Posted at 00:12h, 16 February Reply

    Thank you so much. 🙂

  • RobbyeFaye
    Posted at 01:39h, 16 February Reply

    Oh, my, Melissa. I never realized. PTL you are doing well now!
    God’s Blessings, my friend!

  • denise
    Posted at 01:58h, 16 February Reply

    bless you precious survivor

  • Heather C. King
    Posted at 02:24h, 16 February Reply

    Oh, thank you so much for sharing your story!

  • Melissa Henderson
    Posted at 13:49h, 16 February Reply

    Thank you. 🙂

  • tan712
    Posted at 13:59h, 29 March Reply

    Praise the Lord for your healing! Awesome story! My mother unfortunately waited too long to go to the doctor. She passed away about a year after her diagnosis. I have to admit, I was angry with her when I found out she had been lying to me about getting her annual mammogram. She lived in Illinois and I live in California so I just took her word for it. My siblings, who also reside in Illinois, thought she was telling the truth too. She later admitted to me that she was afraid to find out she was sick. That was the saddest year of my life. She fought as much as she could and we prayed and prayed and prayed, but she didn’t survive. Of course she is resting peacefully and completely healed now with the Lord.
    I have to get a couple of mammograms a year now and I’ve even experienced a biopsy. The techs usually apologizes for the discomfort, but I assure them that they’re actually doing me a favor. 😀 I’d rather go through the discomfort of a mammogram and even that dreadful biopsy then the pain that my mother had to endure.
    Thank you for sharing your story. God Bless You!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:03h, 29 March Reply

      I am so sorry about your Mother. I am thankful that you are getting your mammograms. I agree, even if the mammogram might be uncomfortable, it’s good to know I am okay or if something needs to be done. 🙂 Thanks for commenting on my blog.

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