Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Bountiful Blessings….

A big question for today…. Did you play the lottery? We never play the game. The news stations are full of anticipation in the weeks, days and hours before the drawing. So many people trying to get some amount, any amount to help with their finances. Yes, we could use some help, too. But, we just never play the game.
That is…. until last evening. Alan and I were out taking care of errands. The post office, the local pharmacy, and well… “Hey, let’s buy a ticket, just in case.”
So, off we go to the corner market. Short line. Good. Alan had asked me to pick some numbers. I wrote various numbers on a piece of paper. He went in the store, came out and handed me a ticket. Then, he says, “I had to switch one of your numbers because the big number at the end only goes up to 26.” No problem.
Since we don’t stay awake until 11:00pm, we missed the big announcement on the t.v.  This morning, I watched a local t.v. show and they displayed the numbers. We had one number that would have matched, if Alan hadn’t switched the numbers. Oh, my! Happily, we found out that you don’t win anything with one correct number. haha!
This whole experience reminds us that we don’t need to play any game to help our finances. Alan works hard at his job and most importantly, God always provides just what we need exactly when we need it.
Have you ever received a check or money at the time you really needed help with finances? Or have you ever received a phone call, note in the mail, smile, hug or visit just a the right time? God gives us the most abundant blessings each and every day. Look for His blessings. They are not a game. His blessings are true and bountiful.
Thank you God.
Have a blessed day, and remember to thank God for all your blessings,

1 Comment
  • Sharon O
    Posted at 18:03h, 14 January Reply

    Cute picture, my husband always buys a ticket or two. I always tell him the scratch it is faster and more on the spot as you scratch and know, rather than waiting. Instant news. I am not one to gamble or do the lottery but it might happen someday who knows. I certainly don’t put my trust in it and when I hear sad stories of people who have won and ended up broke in a few years it leads me to believe most of us cannot handle that kind of money. One guy went through 12 million in one year. How can you?

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