Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Pickles and the Dough Boy

Hello, Happy New Year!
Our son(Mike) and daughter-in-love(Christine) were here visiting from SC this week. We were discussing childhood memories. I mentioned that when I was a little girl, people called me “Missy” and even “tater eater”(because of my love of all things potato).  I had always wanted another nickname.
When I was a little girl, my childhood friends and I were playing and decided to give each other nicknames. Everyone picked out cute names and I couldn’t think of anything. Then, I remembered that I loved to eat pickles, so, I thought my nickname should be “pickles”. I was so pleased with my choice. However, it didn’t stick because no one else felt it matched me or my personality. So, I kept on being “Missy” and “tater eater”. I didn’t become Mimi until I was an adult and I am extremely happy with the nickname “Mimi”.
Earlier this week, our family was enjoying preparing pizza for dinner. My husband(Alan) always prepares the dough. Then, we add the toppings. As he was working with the dough and flour, the toppings were being arranged, and our family was laughing and sharing stories. All of a sudden, the thought came into our minds that we should call Alan “the Dough boy”. That is how “Pickles and the Dough Boy” came to be.  Alan (the Dough Boy) really does make a delicious pizza. 🙂
NOTE:(“Pickles” really doesn’t suit me and forever more , I am Mimi.) 🙂
We laughed and laughed. Great memories and delicious food. We are truly blessed.
Do you have a nickname? Did you have a different nickname when you were younger?
We need to remember that we are God’s children and He calls us by name. He knows every detail about us. We can call each other cute nicknames and enjoy laughter. But, He knows our true name.
God has given us the most important name of all. We are His child. What a glorious name to be called “Child of God”.
I pray that 2016 will be a blessed and healthy  year for all of you. God calls you by name and He loves you. Listen for His call and answer Him with praises.

  • Heather C. King
    Posted at 16:50h, 01 January Reply

    I could probably be ‘tater eater’ also, although I’ve never really had a nickname that stuck! Sounds like a really fun time as a family!

  • Carol S
    Posted at 01:27h, 02 January Reply

    Enjoy reading your blog. Real life CAN be fun.

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