Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Moles! Go Away!

This past summer brought excessive heat, dry grass, wilted plants that needed constant watering, and an air conditioner that wouldn’t turn off. Alan and I have learned that the Lowcountry doesn’t have long spring or winter seasons. Most years, there is a short period of cold temperatures followed by chilly weather. Then, the heat comes and stays for months. One thing we’ve never dealt with is moles in the yard. Could this be from the hot days and nights or something else? Standing on the front porch, I scream “Moles! Go away!”

Near the end of summer, we noticed that the mulch in our flower beds needed replacing. The nice man who mows our grass suggested putting down new mulch. The yard team would remove the old parts, put them in bags, and haul everything away. Next, they would apply a new covering on the ground. We agreed and the team went to work. After two days of sweat and back-breaking labor, the job was completed. The flower beds were beautiful.

About a week later, Alan and I noticed mounds of dirt piled next to the edges of the sidewalk. It was a strange sight. We determined they weren’t ant hills. This was a different disruption of the soil. Of course, I went to the computer and searched for possibilities. The answer was soon found. MOLES!!!!

We had not seen any moles. The more we researched, the more we learned. Those creatures dig tunnels under the ground and live in the mulch. What! Mulch! Had the moles been in the flower beds and we never saw them? Perhaps they were disturbed when the yard guys worked in the soil. The cause was unknown, but we began a mission trying to get rid of the moles.

First, we spoke to neighbors. A few other folks on our street had seen mole hills in their yard.

One man said to get a grub killer because moles eat grubs. No grubs, no moles. 

That was plan number one. We purchased the suggested treatment and applied it to the ground. The next morning, there was more damage from the moles. I could picture them laughing at the big people trying to get rid of them.

Second suggestion. “Try placing a stick of gum into the holes. They aren’t able to digest.” That didn’t work—another failed attempt.

Third, we purchased several devices to place in the ground. These things make a buzzing sound every few seconds and are supposed to deter the animals from being in the yard. Again, another failed action.

Fourth. Find a tunnel and put a trap in the ground. That’s great if the ground isn’t as hard as a rock. In other words, it didn’t work. 

Fifth. Spray the yard with castor oil. Don’t bother with that one.

Sixth. Visit the local “we have a solution for every yard issue” place. Their ideas didn’t work either. 

My frustration was at an all-time high level. At the beginning of this situation, I had researched companies that might help. The answer was always the same. “We don’t get rid of moles. But, if you have a gator or a rat or something like that, call us.”

With my nerves on edge, I sat at the computer again and saw my little sticky note that said, “PRAY FIRST”. I realized that I had not given this silly mole problem to God.

I paused and prayed. Opening my eyes, the search on my computer listed a company that specifically handles getting rid of moles. That company information didn’t appear the first time I searched on the computer, a month ago. Why was this phone number and company name showing now? Was it because I prayed?

Alan contacted the mole company and a representative arrived the next day. I must report that I looked outside and saw Alan, two neighbors, and the mole guy, discussing what was sure to be a lively mole conversation. I chuckled.

So far, the moles have not destroyed any other sections of the yard. Eight white flags show where the traps are located. The company rep will return and check the traps.

This experience reminded me that God knew what was needed. He always knows. I smiled. God shows us in many different ways that we should always trust Him. Give everything to God. Problems like moles invading the yard are not too big for God. There is nothing God can’t handle. 

Now, instead of “Moles! Go Away!”, I am saying, “The yard looks pretty.”

Have you had moles in your yard? Have you prayed to God for something simple?

Have a blessed day,

Mimi aka Melissa Henderson

  • Carol Souders
    Posted at 13:40h, 17 October Reply

    Oh, I know the plight with moles. It does take a long time to get rid of them. So glad you found a solution and hope it continues to work. Cute story and a reminder to keep trying.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 14:34h, 17 October Reply

      Thank you. The yard looks good this morning. We’ll stay alert. haha! Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Michelle Welsh
    Posted at 18:46h, 17 October Reply

    Oh, my! I could feel your stress! We haven’t battled moles, but we have been overpopulated with gophers. Thanks for the reminder to ask God first! Why is it we forget? Thanks for sharing. I’m glad your story had a happy ending. 🙂

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 20:48h, 17 October Reply

      Thank you Michelle. I hear that gophers can cause a lot of trouble, too. 🙂 Yes, ask God. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Barbara Harper
    Posted at 18:54h, 17 October Reply

    Thankfully, we’ve never had moles. I’ve heard they are a nuisance. We did have a skunk in the dryer duct once! I’m glad God cares about such problems and answers prayers about them,

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 20:50h, 17 October Reply

      Oh my! A skunk in the dryer duct! That’s awful. Life is never dull. 🙂 Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • June and Joe Foster
    Posted at 21:56h, 17 October Reply

    Hi Melissa, yes, we did have moles once when we lived in Lacey, Washington. I have a few unsavory memories which I won’t explain, but they all wound up in the garbage pail. Like you, we had to hire a service.

    • Melissa G. Henderson
      Posted at 00:02h, 18 October Reply

      OH my! Those awful moles disrupt so many things. Now, another neighbor is hiring the service company that we hired. 🙂 Have a great weekend dear friend. 🙂

  • June and Joe Foster
    Posted at 21:57h, 17 October Reply

    The moles wound up in the garbage pail, not the memories. 🤣🤣

  • Nancy E. Head
    Posted at 22:07h, 17 October Reply

    So frustrating! May your latest attempt be the answer! Having a similar situation myself, a different kind of pest. God bless!

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