21 Nov The Rock Gift
Gifts are given for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and celebrations. Some of the best presents are ones given “just because” with no special reason or occasion. Gifts may make us laugh while others may bring tears. I received a rock that touched my heart and brought happy tears.
Grandson Rowan and Granddaughter Eden enjoy making crafts. They often enter the house and say, “What are we doing today? Can we make something?” There is a cabinet in our living room which holds the craft supplies. Crayons, markers, paint, construction paper, glue sticks, popsicle sticks, play dough, wire cleaners, straws, pom poms of various sizes, googly eyes, and much more. Sometimes we follow a pattern for making a craft. Other times, we use our imaginations and create interesting projects.
A few months ago, Rowan and Eden painted rocks. We set up a workstation on a table on the back porch. Paper towels, wet wipes for cleaning hands and the occasional paint splatter that landed on the porch couch cushions, paint, rocks that had been rinsed to remove the dirt, paintbrushes, and stickers were arranged on the table. Rowan, Eden, and Mimi were ready to paint beautiful designs on rocks of different sizes.
We worked intently until giggles broke out when the paint went somewhere other than the rocks. Making sure we wore our “paint clothes” was a must during this project. We love to dip the brushes in the paint and mix the colors. Then, we rinse the brushes and watch the water swirl in the cup.
After the rocks have been painted and placed on a paper towel to dry, we clean the area and find another activity until the rocks are ready to be placed into our flower garden. When every rock is dry, we place them in selected spots. Then, we walk to the sidewalk and look back to the garden. We want to make sure everyone can see the beautiful shapes and colors as they walk by.
Recently, Rowan and Eden entered the house for a visit. Laughter filled the home while everyone talked at the same time and shared about their day. As we headed to the playroom/office to find a game or activity to play, Rowan asked for wrapping paper. Rowan is very creative and I figured he was probably going to create something with the paper.
After finding some wrapping paper, Rowan left the room. Eden and I began to play with the dolls. A few minutes passed and Rowan returned.
“Mimi, close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“Okay, what are we doing?” I asked.
“You’ll see. Mimi, I have a surprise for you.”
I closed my eyes, held out my hands, and felt his sweet hands place something in my wrinkled hands.
“Open your eyes, Mimi. It’s for you.”
My eyes opened and I was holding a wrapped gift from Rowan. I opened the paper and there was one of the rocks. I thanked him for the beautiful rock.
Rowan wanted to give me something special and one of his favorite rocks was the gift. A precious memory flooded my thoughts. When I was a young girl about Rowan’s age, I forgot my Mama’s birthday. When I remembered, I immediately went to my room and found my favorite doll. I wrapped it in a paper towel and gave it to my Mama. She loved it.
Rowan showed love and kindness to me. I showed love and kindness to my Mama.
God gave us the gift of salvation through His Son Jesus. We are loved and cherished by God.
Do you have a special gift story? Share your story in the comments.
Blessings and love,
Mimi aka Melissa Henderson
Dianne Miley
Posted at 14:54h, 21 NovemberVery sweet story, Melissa!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:15h, 21 NovemberThank you Diane. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! 🙂
Nancy E. Head
Posted at 15:22h, 21 NovemberWonderful is the bond between grandmother and grandchild. Great story, Melissa. God bless.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:16h, 21 NovemberThank you Nancy. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
June Foster
Posted at 20:41h, 21 NovemberYour sweet family stories always lift me up.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:16h, 21 NovemberThank you June. Hope you and your family enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
Barbara Harper
Posted at 21:49h, 21 NovemberWhat a sweet story and loving gesture.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:16h, 21 NovemberThank you Barbara. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
Jeanne Takenaka
Posted at 23:58h, 21 NovemberMelissa, I LOVE this story. At various times, my boys have given me wonderful gifts, from drawings to love notes to small pieces of jewelry (purchased and home made). Their love came out in their efforts and blessed me deeply!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:06h, 23 NovemberThank you Jeanne. Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
Jill Weatherholt
Posted at 02:47h, 22 NovemberBeautiful story, Melissa. Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving.❤️
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:06h, 23 NovemberThank you Jill. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. 🙂
Laurie Larsen
Posted at 03:09h, 22 NovemberYour grandchildren are simply precious, Mimi!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:07h, 23 NovemberThank you Laurie. I know you are a blessed grandmother, too. Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
JD Wininger
Posted at 11:31h, 24 NovemberI’ve purchased “nice” rocks from nieces and nephews through the years, but was never gifted one. WOW! My “best gift ever” though was the CHRISTmas mom and dad hung my adoption certificate on the CHRISTmas tree for me. I loved how all the brothers and sister signed it also. They ALL adopted me. To this day, I keep that treasured gift tucked safely away in my safe.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 21:01h, 24 NovemberA beautiful and heartfelt gift to have that adoption certificate. Precious! God bless you and your family. Have a blessed day! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
Jessica Brodie
Posted at 02:16h, 25 NovemberI can just picture Rowan’s sweet little face and the joy in his heart as he presented you with what he was certain was the perfect gift. It reminds me of my son Cameron, just about to turn 18, when he gave me his special stones as a gift one day. I still have them!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 13:46h, 25 NovemberJessica, thank you for sharing about Cameron giving you his special stones. I’m glad you kept them. Precious gifts! 🙂 Have a blessed day! 🙂
Karen Jurgens Harrison
Posted at 08:32h, 25 NovemberI understand how these sweet little gifts are cherished forever. My daughters used to buy family Christmas gifts at a little shop at their school. I still use the little plastic cup for Q-Tips, and every time in reach inside to grab one, I remember the chubby little hands who placed the wrapped gift into my hands. These are the memories we will treasure forever, and, like you, I feast on them daily. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, dear Mimi! xoxo
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 13:47h, 25 NovemberKaren, I love that you still use the plastic cup. The simple gifts can truly be the most special. Thank you for reading and commenting and sharing your story. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 11:56h, 25 NovemberAs GYN cancer survivors, we have given painted rocks to those newly diagnosed. The rocks are different, according to the artists, but all have the message “hope” and the Teal ribbon on it.
They have been well received and appreciated.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 13:48h, 25 NovemberKaren, I am an 18 years breast cancer survivor. Thank you for sharing this beautiful and heartfelt idea about the rocks. I love this! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Melissa McLaughlin
Posted at 16:29h, 25 NovemberMelissa, this precious story (and the story of your gift to your Mama) brought tears to my eyes. My children have given such gifts from the heart to me and other loved ones. These moments are treasured memories. Thank you for sharing the love of your sweet family and reminding us of God’s love. Blessings to you and yours!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 20:31h, 25 NovemberMelissa, thank you so much for your kind words. I agree with you in that these moments are treasured memories. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
Yvonne M Morgan
Posted at 19:29h, 26 NovemberWow, you are such an inspiration Melissa. Those grandkids will grow up with so many beautiful memories from you and a strong faith. Thank you for your example.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 13:26h, 27 NovemberYvonne, thank you so much. You are so kind. The grandkids teach my husband and me many wonderful lessons in life. Have a blessed week! 🙂
Katherine Pasour
Posted at 17:03h, 30 NovemberThank you for sharing this sweet story. Sometimes our children know exactly when and how to brighten our day with a gift of love. By sharing your story with us, you send sunshine and joy. Love grows when it’s shared. Wishing you a blessed day.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 14:07h, 02 DecemberThank you Katherine. Yes, love grows when it’s shared. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
Gail Johnson
Posted at 14:56h, 06 DecemberLove this, Melissa! The greatest gifts come from children. Your stories send me down memory lane.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 16:53h, 06 DecemberThank you dear friend. I love how God gives us such wonderful times in life. Have a blessed week! 🙂