27 Oct Leaping Lizard Under the Cushion
Yes. Leaping lizard under the cushion. How could this happen? A normal evening of household chores turned into a momentary frightful experience.
Being a Mimi to Rowan and Eden brings many unexpected surprises and joys. Those two sweet children sometimes ask to take toys from our house to play with at their home. Bop and I always say “Yes, if it’s okay with Mommy and Daddy. Be sure to bring the toys back.”
Sometimes a teddy bear stays at their home and other times, a bear or doll baby will make the return trip in the car to the home of Mimi and Bop.
Having fun items to play with and make unique creations is fun. From modeling clay to blocks to bubbles and more, there is always something special to do at our home. Bop and I enjoy playing as much as the kids love to play.
After Rowan and Eden have left to return home, clean up time begins. Glancing in each room, I often notice paper, crayons, markers, stickers and other things we have used for making pictures. Another room sometimes has toy cars, plastic dishes for playing restaurant, baby dolls and a toy stroller so Eden can be the Mommy, and plenty of dinosaurs and sharks for Rowan to be a paleontologist and a scuba diver. Yes, the imaginations of children are inspiring.
On a recent evening, the house was quiet as the children had left for home with Daddy and Mommy. Bop was taking the trash bag outside. I noticed the couch cushions were crooked. Deciding to lift them and arrange the cushions and pillows so everything would look nice, I reached down, pulled up a cushion and…
I screamed. “Yikes!!!” My high pitched scream and what I saw caused me to jump back. There, sitting under the cushion was a lizard. The thing looked real and actually wiggled when I moved the cushion. Then, I realized the creature was yellow and not a real lizard.
Sweet Rowan had hidden a squishy toy lizard under the cushion. I’m not sure when he hid the lizard, but the thought of how long the toy had been hiding under the cushion made me think. When was the last time I had looked under the cushions?
After I calmed my breathing and knew the lizard was not real, I began laughing. Bop had no idea that I had been scared by a toy lizard. The evening continued and I shared the story with Bop.
We both laughed and shared how happy we are to live near our grandchildren.
I’m thankful that the lizard in the photo above was not the one under the couch cushion.
God gives us the gift of laughter and the ability to find joy in everyday moments. Have you laughed lately? Share your story in the comments.
Have a blessed and laughter filled day,
Mimi aka Melissa Henderson
JD Wininger
Posted at 14:13h, 27 OctoberI couldn’t help thinking, “Better Licky than Grumpy” my friend. I think my last laugh was watching a video of a mini donkey trying to climb over a wooden fence. It ended up doing a somersault over the fence. I laughed so hard that tears formed once I knew the little gal was okay. Animals of all kinds can make us laugh. I’ll save my “Mavric the Bull” story for Bop (Alan).
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 14:21h, 27 OctoberHahha! You make me laugh. Animals truly are amazing. Animals and children always find ways to provide laughter for others. Yes, Bop will be interested in the “Mavric the Bull” story. haha!Have a blessed day! 🙂
Carol Souders
Posted at 14:43h, 27 OctoberWonderful joyful story. We went upstairs to the third floor recently and in Poppy’s office we found a note on the whiteboard “Ryder was here.” And a great drawing of a fisherman and a shark. We had to smile. Even while he is far away he brings joy for us. Grandchildren are wonderful.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 14:51h, 27 OctoberWhat a wonderful and precious surprise to find from Ryder! He is awesome! Yes, even when our loved ones are far away, they bring us joy. Thank you for reading and commenting. 🙂
Jessica Brodie
Posted at 15:18h, 27 OctoberToo cute!!! Laughing at silly things is one of the things that brings me the most joy. I hope I can always hold on to that. Life can feel so serious, but kernels of joy and light are all over the place. We just need to see them. 🙂
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 15:47h, 27 OctoberThank you Jessica. Yes, those kernels of joy and light are everywhere. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Craig Ruhl
Posted at 15:33h, 27 OctoberLaughed at this story… we had several small lizards (skinks?) in and out of the house this past summer. Fast little critters! Glad yours was a toy.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 16:24h, 27 OctoberGlad you laughed at the story. Yes, those lizards are fast critters. I don’t want them in the house. haha! Have a blessed day!:-)
Diana Derringer
Posted at 15:55h, 27 OctoberReading your posts almost always bring a smile (or a laugh in this case). Thank you for sharing joy from the mini moments and people in your life.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 16:00h, 27 OctoberDiana, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. There’s always something to laugh about around here. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Janet from FL
Posted at 16:23h, 27 OctoberSometimes little lizards get in the house, and they do sometimes make me jump! Glad yours was just a toy. Grandkids do bring laughter and surprises in with them!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 16:25h, 27 OctoberYes, those things make me jump. I don’t want them in the house. haha! Grandkids are wonderful. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Ava Pennington
Posted at 13:19h, 28 OctoberYes, laughter is indeed a gift!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 13:31h, 28 OctoberYes, yes! Laughter is a gift from God. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Barbara Harper
Posted at 17:48h, 28 OctoberFunny! It’s always interesting what we find where when the grandkids leave. Once I found a whisk in the printer tray.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 19:47h, 28 OctoberHilarious! I love the adventures with grandkids. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
T.S. Cook
Posted at 20:57h, 28 OctoberGreat story! I don’t have grandchildren, but I do see lizards quite often where I live. LOL We brought one in the house once after shaking out our camping blankets. Yikes!! And for some reason, they like hanging out by our entry door in the garage. Like, “Hello! Let me in.” LOL
Have a wonderful weekend!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 12:25h, 29 OctoberThank you so much for reading and commenting. Yes, those crazy lizards like to hang around our garage door, too. I would have screamed if I found one on a blanket in the house. haha! Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
Nancy E. Head
Posted at 01:55h, 29 OctoberMy kids’ toys fooled me more than once too. Great adventure, Melissa. God bless!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 12:20h, 29 OctoberChildren are the best at giving surprises. haha! Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
Posted at 05:48h, 29 OctoberWhat a fun story, Mimi! I’m sure you were frightened at first–I would’ve been too! My funny stories happen around the dinner table. My daughter Meg has a wonderful sense of humor, and she keeps us in stitches! As my mother suffers from dementia, she usually says something that is confusing, but we’re able to laugh with her. Laughter is the best medicine, right? Blessings, dear friend.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 12:21h, 29 OctoberThank you Karen. Yes, laughter is truly the best medicine. A sense of humor helps us all. Blessings on you and your mother and your whole family. Hugs. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
Melinda Viergever Inman
Posted at 16:06h, 29 OctoberI’m pretty sure that I would have screamed, too. A lizard under the cushion would be quite a shock, even though I do live in lizard country and watch them when we’re outside. INside would be way too much lizard!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:02h, 29 OctoberHaha! Yes, there is a place for lizards and it is outside. 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!
Yvonne Morgan
Posted at 21:25h, 29 OctoberI can picture the scene in my mind as I laughed along with you. Laughter is truly a blessed gift from God. Thanks Melissa
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 23:02h, 29 OctoberYes, laughter is truly a blessed gift from God. Amen. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
Posted at 01:29h, 30 OctoberFun post and story, Melissa. I guess the lizard did look real at first since it seemed to move. My grandson Foster recently ran in the door to tell me to come outside, he was in a wooded area with his sister an my husband and they had found a small snake. And it was real. 🙂 Love your adventure stories.
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 14:26h, 30 OctoberOh my goodness! I don’t like snakes at all. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
Joanne Viola
Posted at 10:27h, 30 OctoberYour home sounds like our home 🙂 Our granddaughter always has to bring something home from our house. We all always laugh at what she selects as it is always random. There is a joy that fills our hearts as we watch our grandchildren each week as the relationships truly are so special. Enjoy every moment!
Melissa G. Henderson
Posted at 22:18h, 30 OctoberMy husband and I love finding special toys and crafts throughout the house. We never know when a note of love or something else will be found. Those things always bring smiles. Have a blessed week! 🙂