Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

The Weed Walk and Planting Seeds

Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. Flowers and vegetables can bring smiles and joy to every moment. I find happiness in filling a container with dirt, adding fertilizer to the soil, adjusting a plant in the pot, and providing enough moisture to quench the thirst of the plant. Other times, preparing soil in the ground, adding seeds or plants, and then covering the dirt with water, gives a great opportunity to watch sprouts pop out and the growing cycle begin.

Recently, a neighbor shared a bag of marigold seeds. Grandson Rowan and I decided a good project would be to find a pot, fill it with dirt, poke holes in that dirt, and plant the seeds. Of course, we did not use any system for spacing. We giggled while we stuck our fingers into the dirt. Then, we decided to place many seeds in each hole. When teaching a four year old about gardening, allow for the creativity to flow. πŸ™‚

Rowan and I planted seeds on a Tuesday and a few days later, the photo above shows what we have grown. How exciting to know that we prepared the soil, planted the seeds, and now, we have marigolds growing in a pot on the back porch.

Bop(Alan) has been teaching Rowan to do the “weed walk”. They walk in the front yard and the back yard and check for weeds in the flower beds. A fun time for grandson and Bop, as they share special conversations while looking for weeds. I’m very impressed that Rowan knows which things need to be picked and which ones need to be left alone.

A big smile appears on my face when I hear Rowan say, “Mimi, I found a weed. I better pick it for Bop.” One day, baby sister Eden will be doing the “weed walk”, too.

God’s creations are amazing. Two days ago, an Eastern Hercules Beetle decided to live in the back flower bed. What an interesting sight!

Whether planting, watering, or looking for weeds, I am reminded how our faith starts at one point and then, has to be nurtured. Our faith can grow by reading Scripture, praying and sharing conversation with the Lord, sharing God’s Word with others, attending worship services, volunteering, listening, and many other ways.
Every moment is an opportunity to learn and to teach. No matter our age, there continue to be new adventures and fun to explore.

Have you been on a “weed walk” lately?

Blessings and giggles,
Melissa Henderson aka Mimi

  • Carol Souders
    Posted at 12:01h, 26 July Reply

    Sweet story.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:06h, 26 July Reply

      Thank you Carol. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 12:26h, 26 July Reply

    Aww…Rowan must be so excited. Thanks for sharing this sweet story, Melissa.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:57h, 26 July Reply

      Thank you Jill. Rowan is a great gardener. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed week!

  • Ava Pennington
    Posted at 13:17h, 26 July Reply

    Love how you find teachable moments for your grandson!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:51h, 26 July Reply

      Thank you Ava. God gives us the most wonderful opportunities to share His love. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Gail Johnson
    Posted at 15:17h, 26 July Reply

    Sweet story, Melissa. Nothing like sharing precious time with children.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 15:50h, 26 July Reply

      Thank you Gail. I have the best times with our two grandchildren. Also, sharing time with our precious nieces and nephew. God has truly blessed our family. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • June Foster
    Posted at 19:20h, 26 July Reply

    Melissa, such a sweet story and I love the way you relate it to the spiritual. I’m glad you like to garden because I don’t!! This morning I had to force myself to plant some new flowers. (Ah, true confession.) The Lord’s blessings.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 21:07h, 26 July Reply

      Thank you June. I love how God gives us unique and different things to enjoy. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • JD Wininger
    Posted at 22:53h, 26 July Reply

    For me Ms. Melissa, the “Weed Walk” is at least an every-other-day occurrence. I spray, pull, whack, and lament quite often around the farm. When I fertilize the grasses and crops, the weeds go wild too! What a great thing that “Bop” and “Mimi” are teaching your grandchildren, to appreciate God’s natural world while still looking out and identifying those “worldly” weeds that can sprout up in our spiritual lives too. Amen!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 23:22h, 26 July Reply

      Thank you JD. Yes, we must watch out for those “worldly” weeds. Sharing God’s creations with children and grandchildren is truly a blessing. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Terri Miller
    Posted at 00:11h, 27 July Reply

    Grand adventures are my favorite! Invariably, God uses them to demonstrate his truth. Thanks for sharing this!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 17:04h, 27 July Reply

      Thank you Terri I love how God gives us many ways to share His love. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • karentfriday
    Posted at 02:14h, 27 July Reply

    Sweet and powerful analogy, Melissa. Our faith must be nurtured and grown, weeding out anything that stunts our spiritual growth in the Son.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 11:57h, 27 July Reply

      Thank you Karen. Yes, I pray we all grow our faith every day. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Lynn J Simpson
    Posted at 14:17h, 27 July Reply

    A new adventure and fun to explore can happen daily! My word for the year is Abundant Adventurer! Even a week walk can be an adventure now! πŸ™‚

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 17:05h, 27 July Reply

      Yes, you are right. Even walking in the weeds can be an adventure. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Nancy E. Head
    Posted at 15:53h, 27 July Reply

    Those simple, pleasant moments with children can be building blocks of faith and character for them and for us. Great post!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 17:05h, 27 July Reply

      Yes. Simple moments can be blessings for everyone. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • dscales24
    Posted at 21:13h, 27 July Reply

    Ha! Every walk in my yard is a “weed walk.” I’m working on a “weedy” article right now. Thanks for sharing the story about your experience with your little grandson!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 21:24h, 27 July Reply

      Rowan was here today and picked weeds. πŸ™‚ Best wishes on your “weedy” article. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Karen Jurgens Harrison
    Posted at 06:08h, 28 July Reply

    I enjoyed your story with your grandson, Mimi. I love gardening too, and it’s always a sweet surprise when another shamrock pops up in my pot. 😊 I agree, it’s like our faith walk with Jesus where He drops unexpected blessings into our lives. May we keep our gardens weeded to make room for more heavenly blessings! ❀️

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 11:58h, 28 July Reply

      Thank you Karen. Yes, I pray we keep our gardens weeded to make room for more heavenly blessings. Amen. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Yvonne Morgan
    Posted at 16:32h, 28 July Reply

    Cute story to enrich my soul today. Thanks for reminding me to go on a weed walk with God soon.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:37h, 28 July Reply

      Thank you Yvonne. Weed walks are good for the soul. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Melinda Viergever Inman
    Posted at 18:33h, 29 July Reply

    Time with grandchildren, teaching them about the joys of planting seeds, or swinging in a hammock, or reciting nursery rhymes or poems are times of great joy! The treasure of grandchildren is such a blessing! I still remember those moments with my own grandparents and hope my grandchildren hold onto fond memories of spending time with my husband and me. God is good!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:12h, 29 July Reply

      Amen. God is good. My husband and I love sharing time with Rowan and baby sister Eden. πŸ™‚ Yes, great joy! Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

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