Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

The Falling Toad

My morning routine includes opening my eyes and saying “Good morning God. Thank You for this glorious day and all Your blessings.” Before my feet touch the floor, I am thanking God.

Once I am dressed and ready for the day, I head for the front door. 

Opening the door, I view the beauty outside and feel the early morning temperature. Once again, I say, “Thank You God, for this glorious day and all Your blessings.”

This simple routine starts my day with comfort and peace.

On a recent morning, things took a different turn. Placing my hand on the doorknob and twisting to open, I heard a slight “thud”. The humidity sometimes causes the door to “stick” a little so I thought that was probably the reason for the odd sound.

No! As I opened the door, a gray toad fell from the top of the door into the foyer. 

My scream was probably loud enough to wake the neighbors. Luckily, no one came out to see what happened. Maybe my scream wasn’t as loud as I imagined.

There sat a gray toad in the foyer. 

“Alan, come quickly. There’s a toad in the house! Help! How do I get him out of here?”

Alan replied while sitting in his chair in the living room. “What did you say? A toad? Where? How did it get in the house?”

“No time to explain. Get him out before he starts hopping around.” I didn’t want to see that toad jump and hide behind furniture where we couldn’t find him. All sorts of scenarios played in my mind. 

Walking to the foyer without any speed or worry, my dear husband asked, “Where is it? Where’s the toad?” I explained that the toad was right there in front of him.

My superhero husband used a floor duster to scoot the little toad back outside. I think the fall must have stunned the toad. The toad sure stunned me.

My peaceful morning blessings were interrupted by a gray toad and laughter. Well, laughter once the toad was back outside.

I am not afraid of all creatures. I just don’t like when they interrupt my peaceful morning and try to come into the house.

Come to think of it, that toad probably thought I interrupted his quiet morning routine.

Silly toad. Stay outside. Please don’t linger on the front door. I am thankful it didn’t fall on my head. If that had happened, you would have heard me screaming all the way to your house, wherever you live.

This silly experience gave me time to pause and consider how easily I can be distracted from sharing time with God. What began as a peaceful morning giving praise to God, turned into a few moments of fright and frustration.

I’m glad the toad was put back outside and that I could continue saying, “Thank You God, for this glorious day and all Your blessings.”

Have a blessed day, and watch out for falling toads,

Mimi aka Melissa Henderson

Toad photo courtesy of Pixabay

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 09:51h, 03 August Reply

    Such a beautiful and funny reminder to keep our focus on God. Thank you for this, Melissa! We’ve had two experiences where tree frogs have come into our house. They sure are fast! <3

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:24h, 03 August Reply

      I was shocked when that little toad fell into the house. What a strange sight! haha! Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Betty Owens
    Posted at 11:35h, 03 August Reply

    Funny story! I’m glad both you and gray toad survived. You both had an unexpected adventure!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:25h, 03 August Reply

      Yes, definitely an unexpected adventure. haha! Have a blessed week Betty! 🙂

  • Jessica Brodie
    Posted at 12:55h, 03 August Reply

    That is too cute! A falling toad definitely would have made me scream. And I love your morning gratitude routine!! 🙂

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:06h, 03 August Reply

      Thank you Jessica. I love beginning the morning by thanking God for all His blessings. I am thankful He gives us laughter. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Bettie G
    Posted at 13:11h, 03 August Reply

    Thanks for this great laugh to start my morning with! We live in a wooded area on the edge of a small town, so there have been quite a few surprising creatures here as well! I often think like you did, that maybe we have disturbed their peaceful day too! Lol. Blessings and gratitude for you, Dear Friend!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:19h, 03 August Reply

      I can just imagine the creatures you see near your home. The woods are filled with many kinds of animals. Glad you started the morning with a laugh. Have a blessed day dear friend! 🙂

  • Kimberly Rose Johnson
    Posted at 13:38h, 03 August Reply

    Oh my goodness. Thanks for putting a smile on my face and for the reminder.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:05h, 03 August Reply

      Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • ordinarilyextraordinarymom
    Posted at 13:58h, 03 August Reply

    You always have fun stories. May Hod continue to give you endless reasons to be grateful 💕

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:05h, 03 August Reply

      Thank you so much. I’m glad you enjoy the stories. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Nancy E. Head
    Posted at 14:32h, 03 August Reply

    I like it best when creatures not invited inside stay outside too. But sometimes when they do come inside, it turns out to be a funny story later on. Later on. Never in the now. God bless!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:06h, 03 August Reply

      Yes, Nancy, these kind of stories make me laugh after they happen. haha! Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • June Foster
    Posted at 18:46h, 03 August Reply

    This story made me smile. I’m so glad somebody besides me screams. My husband always tells me I don’t need to scream, but it just seems to come out automatically. We had a bird in the house once and Joe had to get it out as well. I’m not going to tell you what happened to the lizard that appeared upstairs in our house.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 19:44h, 03 August Reply

      Haha! I don’t mean to scream but somehow the scream comes out. 🙂 Have a blessed week dear friend.

  • buierocks2002
    Posted at 19:27h, 03 August Reply

    Nice Toad story! 🙂 love it!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 19:45h, 03 August Reply

      Thank you so much. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Ava Pennington
    Posted at 19:38h, 03 August Reply

    Cute story!
    I can relate – have had several “visitors” (frogs, lizards, etc.) over the years!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 19:45h, 03 August Reply

      These “visitors” can bring very interesting stories. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Karen Harrison
    Posted at 21:00h, 03 August Reply

    I don’t blame you, Mimi, I would’ve screamed too! Times like that, husbands come in handy. 👌Rather odd that a toad was able to find such a high perch. Now you’ve got me thinking about looking up before I open my door! 😂. Have a blessed day, dear friend. ❤️🌼

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 21:04h, 03 August Reply

      Haha! I had a friend in NC who opened her front door and a little green frog fell on her head. Glad that wasn’t me. Have a blessed week dear friend. 🙂

  • colarnold
    Posted at 22:58h, 03 August Reply

    Love this Melissa! Thanks for “the heads up” (lol)

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 11:39h, 04 August Reply

      Haha! Glad you enjoyed this adventure. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Lynn J Simpson
    Posted at 01:25h, 04 August Reply

    How easily we can get startled out of our peace! I would have reacted the same way Melissa!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 11:40h, 04 August Reply

      Yes, true. The simplest things can startle us out of our peace. Have a blessed week Lynn! 🙂

  • Vickie@Vickie's Kitchen and Garden
    Posted at 10:02h, 04 August Reply

    oh my goodness I would have screamed too. It’s funny how nature can scare you! Yet, he restored your peace with the help of your husband in a matter of minutes. Isn’t God wonderful!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 11:41h, 04 August Reply

      There are lots of things in nature that can startle or scare. I’m glad it was just a toad. haha! Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Diana Derringer
    Posted at 12:44h, 04 August Reply

    Love it, Melissa! Thanks for this morning’s laugh.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:56h, 04 August Reply

      Thank you Diana. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Gail Johnson
    Posted at 15:14h, 04 August Reply

    Melissa, you always make me smile. Maybe he was trying to get his own story. And you’ve not been paying attention. 😄

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:59h, 04 August Reply

      I love that idea! Maybe “Licky the Lizard” and soon to be published “Grumpy the Gator” need a friend. haha! Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Marcie Cramsey
    Posted at 16:23h, 04 August Reply

    I love your blog, Melissa! I laugh every time I read it. It’s a good jolly break in my day. 🙂

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 16:59h, 04 August Reply

      Marcie, you made me smile. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Melinda Viergever Inman
    Posted at 13:48h, 05 August Reply

    I would have screamed if a toad had landed in my foyer when I opened the door! Seems like a logical reaction to me. Thankfully, Superhero Husband came to the rescue!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:51h, 05 August Reply

      Yes, my husband is a superhero. 🙂 Now, every time I open the door, I open it slowly and check for falling toads. Have a blessed day!

  • Yvonne
    Posted at 01:27h, 06 August Reply

    I am so glad it did not fall on your head but it would make for an interesting story. It is so important to praise God no matter what falls from the sky. Thanks

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:01h, 06 August Reply

      I love your statement. “It is so important to praise God no matter what falls from the sky.” Amen. No matter the situation, give thanks with a grateful heart. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Lisa Quintana
    Posted at 00:36h, 07 August Reply

    OK… I can’t help myself, but I have to reply with this word: “Ribbit.” 😉

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:33h, 07 August Reply

      You are making me laugh out loud! hahahah! Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Melissa McLaughlin
    Posted at 01:47h, 07 August Reply

    Melissa, I love your morning routine with the “praise phrase”. I have similar prayers I say as I awaken and seek the Lord. But yours is simple, easy to remember and just plain beautiful. The frog story is really funny! How in the world did that ever happen? Thank you for using this as a spiritual lesson.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:35h, 07 August Reply

      Thank you, Melissa. I love how God sends us opportunities to draw closer to Him. Even in the simplest things, like a toad, I am reminded to focus on Him and not become distracted. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • karentfriday
    Posted at 14:14h, 08 August Reply

    Melissa, ha ha! It truly is “always a story with the Hendersons.” A toad? Crazy! I love how you always make the analogy to spiritual areas in our lives!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 15:37h, 08 August Reply

      Thank you Karen. God truly places special and unique situations in my life. 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!

  • debwilson2
    Posted at 22:10h, 25 August Reply

    Melissa, what a cute story! Yes, it is amazing what can interrupt my planned time with the Lord. I’m with you. I would have screamed too if it landed on my head. 🙂

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:04h, 26 August Reply

      Haha! I’m glad that toad didn’t land on my head. I pray I won’t listen to distractions today. I want to share time with God without any interruptions. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Jeanne Takenaka
    Posted at 19:57h, 26 August Reply

    Oh Melissa, your posts always make me smile. You are so good at viewing situations through other perspectives, this case being the toad’s. 🙂 It seems like it doesn’t take much to distract me from my normal routine either. I guess the thing is, when we do get distracted by something, what do we do next? I like your answer of going back to thanking God. What a great way to begin the day!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 20:20h, 26 August Reply

      Thank you Jeanne. I love how God gives us many opportunities to laugh and find joy in the simple moments of life. I pray all distractions will stay away today. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Boma
    Posted at 21:24h, 01 September Reply

    Yes, toad, stay outside! Thanks for sharing, Mimi. Many blessings!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 18:15h, 02 September Reply

      Thank you Boma. Yes, I want that toad to stay outside. 🙂 Have a blessed week! 🙂

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