17 Jun Do Turkeys Have Exercise Class?
Watching the wildlife in our backyard is amazing. Ducks, geese, herons, egrets, lizards and turkeys all have a great area to roam freely. A forest behind the house is filled with pine trees that hold woodpeckers and bluebirds.
The male turkeys and female turkeys are often seen traveling in groups. They pause and nibble on the tall weeds, picking off seeds and bugs. Male turkeys show their feathers in hopes of attracting the females.
Sometimes, only the males walk by and other times, only the females. Then, there are those times when all the turkeys travel together. One turkey looks to be in charge. The other turkeys follow.
This morning, I noticed a different situation with the male turkeys. Three big fellas ran past the back door like they were headed for some place important. Running to the right, they kept the speed up for a whole block. A few minutes later, they returned running in the opposite direction.
The back and forth kept going on for a while. One turkey was slower than the other two. This reminded me of gym class when I was a young girl. I was often the slow runner and left behind. The other turkeys didn’t wait for this guy to catch up. They kept running from one end of the block to the other.
The thought entered my mind. “Do turkeys have exercise class?” Seeing those turkeys run quickly made me wonder why they were running. Could they be trying to escape a predator or were they running for fun?
My thoughts sparked questions. “Am I running away from something? Am I lagging behind in my faith?” Today, I am searching my thoughts, words and actions to see if I have been “putting off” or “running away” from studying His Word. There are no time constraints for me, as we are quarantined. Housework can wait. Reading His Word and sharing conversation with God can’t wait. There is no need to fall behind like I did in exercise class. I can share my thoughts with God at any time.
What comfort knowing that God will search for me when I fall behind. He will seek and find me.
Maybe the turkeys are having exercise class. Maybe they are running for fun. Maybe they run as a mating ritual. I don’t know. I will pretend they are having exercise class. That makes me laugh.
As for me, I will run toward God. He is waiting for conversation. He is holding out His arms waiting to give comfort and peace.
Have you found yourself running away from something lately? Share your thoughts. Your message may help someone else.
If you see any turkeys running back and forth, enjoy the sight and know they might be in “turkey exercise class.”
Mimi aka Melissa Henderson
Nancy E. Head
Posted at 12:46h, 17 JuneSerious food for thought here. Thanks, Melissa, and God bless!
Posted at 12:52h, 17 JuneThank you Nancy. Even turkeys can make us think. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Candice Brown
Posted at 12:54h, 17 JuneLately, I’ve been intently focused on flaws I have run from for years, as premarital counseling has forced me to look at what went wrong in my first marriage. Slowing down is sometimes painful but I look forward to dealing with these in order to make me a better wife (and woman of God.)
Posted at 13:24h, 17 JuneCandice, I truly think we all run from things at times. I pray I will slow down and deal with things I’ve been running from. I know God is with me and will guide me along the way. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Jill Weatherholt
Posted at 13:25h, 17 JuneI like the idea of a turkey exercise class, Melissa! Maybe you can go out there and lead the class. 🙂 My mind seems to be running overtime these days, so thank you for the reminder to slow down. <3
Posted at 13:52h, 17 JuneNow, that would be a funny sight! Me leading a turkey exercise class!!! haha!! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Ava Pennington
Posted at 13:26h, 17 JuneGood questions! What am I running away from? And who am I running to?
Posted at 13:53h, 17 JuneI am asking myself those questions again today. Have a blessed day Ava! 🙂
Kimberly Rose Johnson
Posted at 13:56h, 17 JuneI sure enjoy how you weave truth into a fun story.
Last fall I went with my parents to their home in Montana. They have a large spread of land and when we drove in I spotted more turkeys than I’ve ever seen. I’m guessing there were at least fifty, maybe more. It was quite the sight. They are much bigger than I would have imagined. We didn’t see a huge flock like that again while we were there. I think they know where people are home. They weren’t running, just “grazing.” 🙂
Posted at 13:58h, 17 JuneThank you Kimberly. Life is definitely interesting. 🙂 That must have been quite a sight, to see so many turkeys. Wow! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Anne Mackie Morelli
Posted at 13:56h, 17 JuneThis makes me think of how we can get so busy, running from one direction and thing to another! And end up not focusing on the most important things like focusing on God. Keeping our eye on him, running towards him, and not getting distracted is our focus.
Posted at 13:59h, 17 JuneI agree with you, Anne. I know I get so busy with my “to do” list that I forget sometimes to pause and share time with God. I pray today and every day that I will run to Him. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Vickie@Vickie s Kitchen and Garden
Posted at 14:36h, 17 JuneWhat a beautiful message Melissa! Take time to be with God is something I always need a reminder of.
Posted at 14:50h, 17 JuneThank you Vickie. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Carol Souders
Posted at 14:58h, 17 JuneAs usual, you write the best stories.
Posted at 15:02h, 17 JuneThank you Carol. I appreciate you. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Stephen Lewis
Posted at 15:41h, 17 JuneLove it sister I recently was running from the fact that I needed to do a podcast on my feelings towards the way the world is heading. But then I was reminded to focus on the Lord and to love and share my message of love. Thanks again for this awesome thought provoking post.
Posted at 16:28h, 17 JuneThank you. Your podcasts are amazing! You and your wife always encourage and inspire me. I love seeing both of you on the podcasts. Have a blessed day! 🙂
June Foster
Posted at 17:25h, 17 JuneYou are so blessed to see this view from your backyard. Gorgeous. I love the gift the Lord has given you in finding a spiritual message in daily occurrences. Blessings and good health to you and your husband as you finish your time at home.
Posted at 17:32h, 17 JuneThank you June. This morning, the blue herons are flying back and forth behind the townhouse. A few turkeys have walked by. No running this morning. haha! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 21:15h, 17 JuneLOL I love the application here. Also the thought of turkeys having an exercise class made me laugh. Thanks for bringing a smile to my day.
Posted at 21:17h, 17 JuneThank you Michelle. God gives us many sights and sounds to enjoy, including turkeys who look like they are having exercise class. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Marcie Cramsey
Posted at 02:05h, 18 JuneI like how you use everyday life, like turkeys and exercise to draw out spiritual truth. Very creative. Helps me visualize the lesson.
As far as running from something…exercise is one of them. Lol. But on a serious note, running from God and his word only hurts me. So I try to keep our relationship in tact.
Posted at 12:00h, 18 JuneThank you Marcie. I believe God gives us many lessons in the every day moments. I need to exercise and seem to be running from that. haha! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Melinda Viergever Inman
Posted at 17:43h, 18 JuneThis is a good word, Melissa. This is the second reminder I’ve had today. I’ve been caring for my recovering spouse and these past ten days have been full and wearying. I need a good long time simply sitting with my Bible and the Lord in the quiet. I’m hoping and praying I can accomplish that deeply felt need today! Thank you for listening to the Lord’s leading and turning a beautiful tale about running turkeys into a message a really needed about running toward the Lord.
Posted at 17:50h, 18 JuneThank you Melinda. I am praying for your spouse and for you, too. I pray for the Lord to cover you with comfort and peace. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 18:52h, 18 JuneI do find myself running away from my faith sometimes. Every once in a while, the pull of the world seems to be the easier road to take. But then I remember my Savior and I run towards my faith. Thanks Melissa.
Posted at 19:17h, 18 JuneYvonne, I believe many people feel that way. I know there are times when I feel the pull of the world. I am thankful God searches for me and brings me back to Him. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 01:45h, 19 JuneSo glad God chases me down when I get lost in things that don’t matter.
Posted at 13:00h, 19 JuneAmen. 🙂 Have a blessed day! 🙂
Posted at 13:19h, 19 JuneMelissa, first, it’s amazing you have access to watch that much wildlife in your own back yard. And I had to laugh with the story and imagery you painted of the turkeys running back and forth like in an exercise class! Hilarious! But, yes, maybe a predator.
I’m so thankful that when I fall behind, God searching for me, seeks and finds me. That was simply a beautiful thought, thank you!
Posted at 13:20h, 19 JuneThank you Karen. I, too, am thankful God searches for me when I fall behind. I am thankful for His constant love. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Jessica Brodie
Posted at 20:42h, 19 JuneSuch a wonderful analogy, Melissa! Thanks for this. Very cute. I love what you said: “What comfort knowing that God will search for me when I fall behind. He will seek and find me.” Amen!
Posted at 21:53h, 19 JuneThank you Jessica. I appreciate you reading and commenting. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Karen Harrison
Posted at 07:07h, 21 JuneWhat inspirational thoughts! Sometimes I do feel like I’m running around like a turkey trying to avoid a predator. So thankful that Jesus is always there to catch me. May we all remember to stop running away and instead run into His arms of love and grace. Thanks, dear Mimi. Wishing you a blessed day. 😘❤️
Posted at 12:32h, 21 JuneAmen. Yes, Karen, let’s stop running away and instead run into His arms of love and grace. Have a blessed day dear friend. 🙂
Jeanne Takenaka
Posted at 20:51h, 23 JuneAhhh, Melissa. This made me smile big. 🙂 I can only imagine the sight of those three turkeys running up and down your street. 🙂 I also appreciate your encouragement to make sure I am not running away from God or trying to avoid something He’s showing me about myself or that He may want me to do. That continual conversation with Him is key to being able to examine ourselves, isn’t it?
Posted at 21:01h, 23 JuneAmen. A continual conversation with Him is key. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Diana Derringer
Posted at 16:15h, 25 JuneThank you for the reminder to exercise my faith, Melissa. Blessings.
Posted at 16:38h, 25 JuneThank you Diana. Have a blessed and wonderful day! 🙂
J.D. Wininger (@JD_Wininger)
Posted at 16:20h, 25 JuneNot sure that I’ve been running from something, but have sure been getting my exercise lately my friend. I love your idea of always asking God to reveal His desires for us through a continual conversation. Isn’t “walking through each day with Him beside us” a wonderful mind picture? As for that “Tom” lagging behind; did you consider that maybe he was actually the alpha/leader trying to whip his boys into shape? LOL Thanks for always bringing a smile my friend. God’s blessings
Posted at 16:39h, 25 JuneJ.D., you always make me think. I am watching those turkeys run back and forth today and there is one Tom that seems to be in charge. haha! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Chandra Lynn
Posted at 19:03h, 29 JuneYour post reminds me of something I recently (re)read by Howard Thurman. I can’t remember the exact words, but something about deliberately and frequently seeking God throughout the day. I am happy to find you [again]. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember your new blog address. :-/
Posted at 20:49h, 29 JuneChandra Lynn, I am so happy you found my blog. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for reading and commenting. Blessings. 🙂
Elizabeth Daghfal
Posted at 14:36h, 30 JuneI love how God can teach us lessons like this from the simplest things—even a bunch of wild turkeys—showing us our hearts in the process.
I don’t know if I’ve been running from anything lately, but I have struggled to know what type of running God is calling me to do. When He’s calling me to sit, and when He’s urging me to run, but I’m lagging behind.
Thanks for the story. Like a parable, it helps us to think.
Posted at 14:49h, 30 JuneThank you so much for reading and commenting. I, too, love how God can teach us lessons in the simplest things in life. Have a blessed week! 🙂
Melissa McLaughlin
Posted at 15:13h, 01 JulyWhat a cute backyard wildlife story! I love watching God’s creation – both animals, plants, skies and water. His hand is at work all around us. And I love how you harvest such profound spiritual lessons from these blessings. This is a reminder I need daily. It is so easy to run off and do pretty much anything and miss out on the greatest thing, time with the Lord.
Posted at 16:10h, 01 JulyThank you Melissa. I, too, love watching God’s creations. His work is amazing and awesome! Have a blessed day! 🙂