Grumpy the Gator

In Grumpy the Gator, a group of children playing encounter a grumpy alligator. The story teaches children to always keep a safe distance from animals in the wild, and to find an adult if they see an alligator.

Grumpy the Gator

Its Always A Story With The Hendersons

Is your mailbox full or empty?…

Confession… I love receiving mail. Yes, the gentle roar of the mail truck engine as the letter carrier presses on the gas pedal causes me to smile. The truck arrives at a different time each day. Yes, I have shared my love for mail previously. πŸ™‚
Monday thru Saturday and even sometimes on Sunday, I hear the mail truck before I see it. Β An exhilarating feeling comes over me when I hear that sound. Those times when I am away from home during the day, upon returning and as our car turns onto our street, I check the neighborhood mailboxes to see if any red flags are still standing on the boxes.
“No, the mail hasn’t arrived yet.” or “Oh, good, the mail has already been delivered. Wonder what we have in the box?” A normal conversation.
Some days, the box is full of books and letters, and of course, bills. Other days, there may be an advertisement or the box may be empty.
An empty mailbox reminds me of an empty heart. In order for us to show love to others, we have to fill ourselves with God’s love and His Word. In order for the mailbox to have items inside, there has to be effort to fill the box.
I recently joined a group that sends cards to seniors. Β I don’t know any of the people receiving the cards I send and that is okay. Saying a prayer for the person and mailing a card makes me happy.
Today, take time to read God’s Word and fill your heart with His love. Also, take a few moments and send a note of encouragement or a thinking of you card to someone and let them know you care. Show God’s love through the mailbox.
Remember, there is someone out there just waiting for the sound of the mail truck.
Have a blessed day,

  • Yvonne
    Posted at 19:27h, 04 June Reply

    I know what you mean about hearing the mailman go past our house. Sending cards and letters has become such a lost art. I wish I could say I write letters but everything is now done electronically and it is not the same.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 19:32h, 04 June Reply

      Yes, I agree sending cards and letters has become a lost art. I love the feel of a real letter or card. Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a wonderful week!

  • Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden
    Posted at 19:32h, 04 June Reply

    Sometimes I can’t believe it when the mailbox is empty! I love that you are sending cards to seniors. You have the love of God in your heart.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 19:34h, 04 June Reply

      Vickie, I remember how much my parents enjoyed receiving mail when they were living. They lived in a small town and the letter carrier would knock on the door and come in the house and sit for a visit every day. Very special. Have a great week! Yes, God’s love is in my heart. πŸ™‚

  • Ellen Andersen
    Posted at 20:04h, 04 June Reply

    I, too, enjoy getting a real letter in the mailbox. Was just talking to my neighbors about this the other dayin fact. E-mail is a good and valuable thing, but, as Yvonne said, it’s just not the same.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:33h, 04 June Reply

      Email is definitely a good and valuable thing, but there’s nothing like a real letter. πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week!

  • Liz
    Posted at 20:10h, 04 June Reply

    I may be a young generation that is supposed to adapt. (I’m 42,) But I still love to write the odd letter or card, as well as receive. It’s true as already mentioned, that there is something special to the feel of paper and reading a letter. My mailbox of this kind is rare.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:34h, 04 June Reply

      Yes, you are young Liz. πŸ™‚ I love how so many people still enjoy sending and receiving mail. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week!

  • June Foster
    Posted at 21:29h, 04 June Reply

    I think we all need to send Melissa a letter!! I agree. Emails can never replace the old fashioned mail box.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:31h, 04 June Reply

      June, that is so funny! and sweet! I do love getting mail. πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Jill Weatherholt
    Posted at 21:45h, 04 June Reply

    I am and will always be a letter writer and someone who sends cards. Before my 93 year-old aunt went into a nursing home, I sent her a greeting card each week. Now, since her eyesight is failing, I call her every day at 5:00 p.m. She says she sits by the phone waiting. <3

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:32h, 04 June Reply

      Jill, that is such a sweet blessing for you and for your aunt. Thank you for sharing about your special relationship. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Edna Davidsen
    Posted at 22:19h, 04 June Reply

    Hi Melissa!
    Yes, the good old mail is great, plain paper, no electronics. There’s something about that, which I also like.
    Edna Davidsen

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 22:31h, 04 June Reply

      I agree. The good old mail is great. Thank you for commenting. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Marcie Cramsey
    Posted at 23:41h, 04 June Reply

    I love getting mail too! Dropping a note in the mail seems so scarce these days, but it is still important.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 00:17h, 05 June Reply

      Amazing how a note can brighten a day. πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week!

  • Karen
    Posted at 01:09h, 05 June Reply

    I agree, Mimi, the whirr of the mail truck always sparks delight in my soul. No matter if it’s an item I’ve ordered or a surprise envelope to tear open–it’s always the highlight of my day! Wishing you a blessed day full of bright sunshine and an overflowing mailbox! xoxo

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:48h, 05 June Reply

      Karen, you and I think alike. Envelopes or packages, I love mail. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Paul Zunker
    Posted at 01:30h, 05 June Reply

    I love getting mail too, but there is typically so many pieces of junk mail that I have lost my “excitement” in visiting my box. I think there is an analogy for sin in there when we let it creep into our lives, it becomes more difficult to open Gods word! πŸ™‚
    I really enjoyed this post Melissa. The Bible is Gods love letter to us. We should be excited about reading and sharing it with others!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 15:01h, 05 June Reply

      Paul, I hope today brings “good” mail to your box. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • ordinarilyextraordinarymom
    Posted at 03:00h, 05 June Reply

    I am always looking forward to mail coming. Sometimes I am waiting on an order. Other times, I’m just excited to see what’s in there although most times it is nothing excited. My mentor trades all kinda of cards and goodies via snail mail. She’s always posting about what she received and how it changed her outlook on any given day. So lovely to see a community of people still dedicated to make another person’s day!! Check her out. Love her to pieces:

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:49h, 05 June Reply

      Isn’t life interesting? So many of us enjoy receiving mail. I just placed a bunch of cards in our box to be delivered to friends and strangers. πŸ™‚ Love how your mentor loves mail, too. Have a blessed week!

  • Boma
    Posted at 06:17h, 05 June Reply

    We’ve always been told that it’s hard to pour out to others from an empty heart. It must be true! Thanks for this reminder, Melissa. Blessings to you.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:51h, 05 June Reply

      Boma, yes, I hope and pray we can all fill our lives with God’s love and then, share that love with others. Mailing a note is one way to show His love. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Emily Saxe | To Unearth
    Posted at 13:43h, 05 June Reply

    What a great analogy! I love how you see God’s truth in the ordinary things. πŸ™‚

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:47h, 05 June Reply

      Thank you Emily. We can find blessings in the everyday ordinary things like the mail. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed week!

  • Savoring Sixty and Beyond
    Posted at 02:21h, 06 June Reply

    I love to hear the mail truck in my neighborhood and I always look forward to going to the mailbox to see what is inside! It is mostly junk mail, but once in a while I will receive an actual letter and it absolutely makes my day! You have such a special way of writing as you include our Heavenly Father in the most delightful of ways!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:10h, 06 June Reply

      Yesterday, I actually had a different kind of surprise. I received a refund check from an emergency room visit last year. The letter and check had been sent to my old address and then, forwarded 6 months later. What a great surprise! Thank you for reading and commenting.Thank you for your kind words. Have a blessed week!

  • Lynn J Simpson
    Posted at 13:20h, 06 June Reply

    “There has to be effort to fill the box.” So true. I love the idea of sending cards to seniors. What a wonderful ministry, to delight someone’s day that way. When we fill someone else’s box we are receiving the blessing too, of giving as God intended.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 13:25h, 06 June Reply

      Lynn, you are absolutely correct. Filling someone else’s box is a blessing we receive, too. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Shepherdess for the King
    Posted at 14:46h, 06 June Reply

    I love receiving snail mail. I think it’s such a lost art today. Emails and Facebook messages are lovely, but nothing means more to me than getting a card in the post.
    I enjoy creating cards and writing notes to people to encourage them. I find it a blessing to bless others. I like to fill other people’s boxes so they can be encouraged and know they are loved. πŸ™‚

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:50h, 06 June Reply

      What a wonderful blessing you give to others with creating cards and writing notes! I agree we need to let others know they are loved. Have a blessed week!

  • nancyhvest
    Posted at 00:00h, 07 June Reply

    I had begun sending birthday and anniversary cards to my cousins and their spouses as a way to start a card ministry. Then my husband passed away in June of last year, and like many things in my life the card ministry fell to the side. I am about ready to start it up again, and you have encouraged me to do so. πŸ™‚

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 00:05h, 07 June Reply

      Nancy, I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that you become energized to send cards again. I know you have blessed many people. Have a blessed week!

  • RobbyeFaye
    Posted at 06:11h, 07 June Reply

    Great analogy!
    I remember my Mom and Dad LIVED for the mail. They couldn’t stand it if it was a minute late, and when it was they would always say, “Well, today we have a substitute postman!” I sometimes suspected they planned everything they did around the delivery so they wouldn’t miss it!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:08h, 07 June Reply

      Oh my goodness! That sounds like me! haha! I can always tell when we have a substitute because of the amount of mail or the type. Most times, if we just get advertisements, there is a sub. haha! I love the mail! Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

      • RobbyeFaye
        Posted at 13:06h, 07 June Reply

        I remember once my father-in-law told me he loved calls from my husband, but there was nothing like a letter in hand. Letters could be reread over and over, he said, whereas calls faded from memory. I realized then, how true it was and why we enjoyed letters so much!
        You have a blessed week, too!

  • Gena McCown
    Posted at 15:28h, 07 June Reply

    We are the same way about mail. Sometimes, we’ve been known to drop something in the mail addressed to someone else in the hosuehold, just so they can feel that joy of getting mail. I always encourage our leaders too send handwritten cards, because it is so special. <3

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 15:40h, 07 June Reply

      Gena, what a wonderful idea of sending mail to someone else in the household. I love that!!! Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week!

  • Donna Miller
    Posted at 23:21h, 08 June Reply

    What an incredibly sweet post! I love it! I love receiving mail also! And I love how you are blessing others with sweet greeting cards. People you don’t even know. But God does and He is surely encouraging them through you! Bless you sweet sister! ❀

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 23:28h, 08 June Reply

      Donna, thank you so much for reading and commenting. Today, I received a sweet, sweet card from a dear friend. I was so happy standing at the mailbox, under my umbrella in the pouring rain, looking at the card. πŸ™‚ I mailed some cards to seniors today. Have a blessed weekend!

      • Donna Miller
        Posted at 00:36h, 09 June Reply

        Awe … God encouraged you right back!! ❀❀❀

  • Wendy L. Macdonald
    Posted at 03:56h, 09 June Reply

    Dear Melissa, what a cozy post. This makes me want to get busy and send some pretty notes to my long distance friends. Thank you for inspiring me.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:43h, 09 June Reply

      Whenever I send cards, I feel blessed. Thanks for reading and commenting. Have a blessed weekend! πŸ™‚

  • Chandra Lynn
    Posted at 03:08h, 12 June Reply

    I love sending and receiving mail–and filling my heart with God’s words/letters as I start my day. I love how you linked the two!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:04h, 12 June Reply

      Filling our hearts with God’s Word is a blessing and we can pass that blessing on to others with cards/notes. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚

      • Chandra Lynn
        Posted at 14:57h, 15 June Reply

        Yes! I love sharing through cards and notes. Working on some today.

  • Ashley Murphy
    Posted at 05:16h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you so much for posting this on my Facebook question of physical or email? I am a physical gal myself. I’ve always had a love for physical mail. Since I was in elementary I’ve had pen pals off & on. I recently did a YouTube video about pen pals & stationery. I have a pen pal Facebook group called Shine HIS light if anyone is interested. Years ago, I even did a “send Saturday mail” series. It was during a time the postal service was talking about not delivering on Saturdays. I am pretty sure I fixed that! Ha. Again thanks for sharing this post with me. Enjoyed it!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 12:59h, 14 June Reply

      What a great blessing to have pen pals. The group Shine His light sounds great. I will look for the group. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day!

  • Sydney Meek
    Posted at 14:41h, 19 June Reply

    I love this! There’s just something so special about a hand-written letter.

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 14:57h, 19 June Reply

      I agree Sydney. I love going to the mailbox and finding letters. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed day!

  • debwilson2
    Posted at 21:23h, 19 June Reply

    What a sweet ministry to send cards to those who can’t get out. I enjoyed your thoughts, Melissa and your new haircut!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 21:36h, 19 June Reply

      Thank you for reading and commenting. πŸ™‚ Have a blessed week!

  • Carrie Daws
    Posted at 09:49h, 27 June Reply

    Mail is great, and I’m always disappointed when it’s a day I receive nothing but advertisements. I recently started sending out cards to the ladies in my small group–just one per week, rotating through them all. Something bright and colorful to brighten up their mailbox. A simple handwritten message, a brief encouragement for their week wrapped in brightly-colored paper. It’s fun for me to send and them to receive!

    • mimionlife
      Posted at 11:49h, 27 June Reply

      Carrie, What a wonderful blessing to the ladies in your small group! Those notes of encouragement are a special kindness. Thank you for reading and commenting. Have a blessed week! πŸ™‚

  • Eliza
    Posted at 12:48h, 23 July Reply

    I love all your posts (well that I’ve read so far πŸ™‚ ), but oh yeah, I wait for the post impatiently and rarely get any πŸ™ unless I order something for myself, that is.
    I actually just sent 2 people cards in the mail. I wonder how long it’ll take to reach the US… You’re reminding me of the magnet included in one of them ‘Good morning, this is God, I will take care of all your problems today, so relax and have a great day’.
    I love that you are sending post to people you don’t know!
    Love and light….

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