09 Jun "Changes at the Panty Pantry"
My family really enjoys living close to the local grocery store. We were even happy when the store announced they were expanding and would be selling clothing and toys. The day arrived when the new “Grand Opening” was happening. Of course, I had to go see what all the excitement was about. I just knew I would find something to purchase.
We refer to our store as “The Pantry” because we live so close that we can just pop in the store and get the items that we need without having to travel far. It’s like having a “food pantry” right near our home.
One aisle of the new section of the store has my favorite brand of ladies underwear. My husband refers to that section as the “PANTY PANTRY”. He doesn’t really go over to that part of the store very often. He prefers to shop in the food sections. (and I totally understand that he doesn’t want to shop in the ladies panty section)
I love the extra coupons that the store offers, too. Clothing usually gets an extra 15% off with the coupon. I have found some great deals on socks, underwear and pajamas at this store.
However, imagine my shock when I went to the store this week and found that the ladies underwear(panty) section had been reduced to a couple of items. Oh, no!!! No more of my favorite brand of ladies panties. Whatever shall I do? Now, I will have to go to another store. Oh, well……
As my husband tells me, there have been “changes at the panty pantry”. Maybe one day, the store will carry the item again, or maybe, just maybe, I will have to adjust. This is a minor change. No worries.
Of course, as usual, my husband and I have enjoyed some laughter about the “Panty Pantry”. A few of our friends know about our name for the store and they have enjoyed some laughter, too.
How do you adjust to change, even if it is a minor change? Do you get upset? Do you turn to God first or try to handle things on your own? Each change can be a learning experience for us. We must look for the positive in each situation.
Have a wonderful day and look for ways to find the joy and laughter in the simple things in life, even if it is something as silly as the “Panty Pantry”.
Blessings and giggles,
Zelma Dodd
Posted at 23:43h, 10 JuneLoved this and yes, I giggled.
msw blog
Posted at 03:24h, 14 MayThis made me smile. When something I love is being discontinued I find myself going into stock up mode because it’s truly hard to replace something your truly in love with even if it is just a good pair of panties